Grumps wrote:Everything. I am very grumpy.
Welcome to A2K, Grumps!
You've landed in the right thread!
Wanna tell us more?
Just got off the phone with someone the shelter paired me up with to mentor a couple weeks ago. She's thinking about going back to her abuser. I can't believe it. Or I guess maybe I should. So damn frustrating. Don't even know why I try.
Had just gotten her set up on the phone system too. Same system I have my phone under. I have no land line. Just a cell phone. It's sort of cool....without getting deep into all the details. You are protected in the sense that your number is actually not in your name. For instance, I have no phone listed anywhere in my name and if my abuser were to search for me that way he would be SOL. If you were to take the number that I use and run a check on would come back as belonging to someone else. (Their address and all.) Because technically, it does. Takes a lot to get someone set up because there are a lot of steps involved. Plus training because they need to know that they can't use that number anywhere that they sign up for anything at all. Yadda Yadda Yadda. There's just a LOT involved.
She gave him that number today!%#
Flippin frustrated as hell right now. Maybe I just need sleep.
Went to a funeral yesterday along with a group of old college friends.
Through the years we've been to each other's weddings, baby showers, and weddings of our children. This was the first funeral among us.
Thank you, Osso.
It feels like a very unwelcome rite of passage.
I can't tell if I'm repeating or not, after I added another thought. So, perhaps more than once --
Ah, I understand.
Not a group thing so much, at least so far...
but losing Sharon knocked me out. I remember her standing on the lab table pouring slurry into the sephadex column and dropping the beaker when the NIH folks came into our lab... (we got the grant).
I remember Sharon at another lab we worked at together, doing harmony with our Driver, making happiness in the room with motown duets, one after the other...
I never managed to answer her husband's notice, as it came with his joyful announcement of his new relationship and marriage. Bad of me. Of course I know better.
I just remember all the times he called her at work, and how she stuck with him, a lunch some year after we worked together when she was thinking of not.
It was poor of me, at least he did inform, and I don't know his heart.
Lest I give the wrong impression, Sharon was very bright, a whiz.
Oh, and no, I don't expect people don't engage again..
I just didn't like the juxtaposition in the holiday letter, and had enough going on that I never worked up a reply.
But - viewing from outside my own view, I can see that a holiday letter sort of worked out for him.
Eva, I didn't mean to be everpresent.
Tell us more, if you feel like it.
My sympathies with you, Eva.
Oh, I didn't mean to come across as a drama queen. Fortunately for me, the funeral was for someone in the group I was not particularly close to. There are those, and thank God it wasn't one of them...well, yet.
It's just that the group of us spent most of yesterday afternoon after the funeral talking about how, as a group, we had crossed yet another threshold. There was a lot of grimacing and gritting of teeth. And the realization that, in the future, our gatherings are more likely to be sad ones than the festive events we'd become used to.
Today I'm still "decompressing," that's all.
You didn't come across as drama queen.
Rita might have, back in our early thirties when she told us about turgor...
but then she was always histrionic.
I suppose I'm lightly teasing, but I respect your sense of passage, Eva, and certainly the death of a friend, even if not immediately close. It's an equanimity stopper.
2 MONTHS!!!! 2 effing long months to see a specialist (hand surgeon) for a wrist that's been incapacitating me for 2 months already. What the hell is wrong with the healthcare system in this country? Back at home you see a specialist within days, a week at most. I could live with 2 weeks, I could tolerate 3 weeks grudgingly... but 2 months? f**k this. and i never ever curse.
Did YOU make the appointment, Dag? Or did you have your primary care physician's office make the appointment? Sometimes that can make all the difference.
nah, they gave me a piece of paper and told me to call.
it should NOT matter! I'm grimacing about that.
i can and will keep calling weekly to see if anyone canceled, but i shouldn't have to do that either. 2 months is just ridiculous by any standards.
I agree!
You are absolutely right, it shouldn't matter. But it does. There's a sort of "professional courtesy" thing between doctors.
If I were you, I'd call my primary physician's office back and tell them you couldn't get an appointment for two months, and that isn't acceptable. Ask them to have someone on their staff call the specialist's office for a better time. They can do that. At the very least, you can ask them to refer you to another doctor who can see you within a reasonable time frame.
You might try calling your doctor's office and explaining the difficulty of the delay for you, relative to your needs in this remaining time to get various things done, and wonder if either they can call the hand surgeon's office, or give another hand surgeon recommendation. If you doctor's office has an email address (sometimes found online), I'd direct an email to the doctor, him or herself.
Doctors vary, but I've had at least two that said if you have any questions, email me at...
I'm a strong believer in the power of the squeaky wheel. Or at least squeaking attempts. They have helped me in the past.
Obviously we've played this game before, huh, Osso?
Dasha, I'll do the surgery if you want.....
For offering to help with some school work, I was called an idiot and told that he wanted to spit in my face. Ah yeah, vacation starts tomorrow. (I know he only says it because he feels comfy with me, but come ON!)