Olden memory. I moved from my pretty nice Westwood apartment to an artists' building in Venice. Yeh, yeh, I was out of my mind. Big jump after a love life denouement. It was two rooms. Two rooms? Given my crappola, tight, but I farmed out my mother's furniture to friends. Which was a good idea. My cousin's husband built me a loft, a matter I won't forget, although he could have killed me after I moved again. Though I moved the loft too. But anyway, I'd just been in that studio a week or so and one of southern california's yearly drenchos happened. Water pouring in. It drowned out the expletives rising from the alley beneath the windows. 1 a.m., I called the landlord. He came over. I forget now how exactly he fixed it, but it got remedied fast. Probably not that I was such a good tenant, as that they wanted to yuppie up the place in an arty way and my place was part of that. (He and his partner were sharp landlords.) Still, ceiling failing = bad.
Yet another crisis at work.
I've got to work late hours and Saturdays for March.
I think my car was stolen last night. And if it wasn't, I'll be equal parts relieved and embarrassed.
Oh no!?!
You can't find it, you mean?
littlek wrote:I think my car was stolen last night. And if it wasn't, I'll be equal parts relieved and embarrassed.
Why embarrassed? (Relieved I can understand...)
Well, the cops checked the tow yards and it wasn't towed. ****.
Especially since the only insurance I had was liability. My parents are away for a week and a half, I can use their car for that duration.
littlek wrote:I think my car was stolen last night. And if it wasn't, I'll be equal parts relieved and embarrassed.
That's the WEIRDEST feeling....the wandering around and not finding your car!!!! I do hope it turns up ok.
My grimace is a nasty one. One of my poor little clients (six y.o.) got a needle stick when he and his carer left the building yesterday. I haven't found out quite where (geographically AND bodily) it happened......but it so sucks.
Apparently there is a miniscule risk of infection, but they have to sit around for months not knowing.
littlek wrote:I think my car was stolen last night. And if it wasn't, I'll be equal parts relieved and embarrassed.
whoa, that's just godawful. can't believe it. hope it turns up in a few days! they often do.