Such a run! Hope it's over now.
Saturday before last I woke up with my ankle so sore and swollen I couldn't walk. Have absolutely no idea what caused it. Was supposed to play tennis on the Friday night, but it was called off because of rain. Anyway, soreness and swelling lasted all week, and I've been trying all the usual conservative measures. My tennis team had it's semi-final on Tuesday night, and I had to pull out.
By last Saturday it's finally just about settled (again no tennis on Friday night). I can just about walk without pain. I bought a new (different) brace at the pharmacy, and then offered to help some friends with their painting.
They're in the middle of doing some extensive renovations, and now that one of the mothers has decided to come for Christmas, they are in a hurry to get the painting done - so that they can at least find a place for her to sleep!
My job is painting the door frames with undercoat. They have new floor boards in the hallway, but not yet in this room, and there's a gap of a couple of inches. Here I am, painting, painting..., and suddenly my leg disappears down to the knee, through the gap in the floorboards, and through the ceiling of the room below.
My knee is caught! I'm not sort of sitting/squatting on the floor, and can't think what to do (doesn't seem to be too many options!). Sit down, toss paintbrush (held through all this) on to the drop sheet and sort of holler / groan / shriek. Friends are working at the back of the house, so are slow to arrive.
The chap is concerned only about his beautiful floors, and immediately picks up paint brush, bucket of paint and drop sheet and moves them out of harm's way.
Maria sits with me and tries to sort out what has happened and how to get my leg out (we haven't noticed the ceiling below yet!). With much struggling and yelling, we finally extricate my leg, and try to see the damage. Fortunately, I was wearing tracky-dacks, and they protected my leg from severe skin breakages. We can't see how much damage is done to leg, but ice the leg anyway.
Then we see through to the other room - ceiling has gone down in one corner! Chap is just about beside himself as we grasp enormity of accident. Finally manage to get up and struggle out to sit down and examine wounds. Killer bruising and not much broken skin, by the look of it. Ice and arnica for a while.
We have a cup of tea, and eat some of the birthday cake I have made for said chap (you can't be too angry at someone who has made a cake for you!). Then I hobble off for car and home.
At home, leg buckles, and I head-butt the shower recess, falling over in the process!
Now I'm hurting just about everywhere, including head. Have another cup of tea and head to bed - it has to be the only safe place! Sleep for 10 hours! Spend all Sunday resting leg - and not fit enough now to play in tennis final for this Tuesday.
I don't think they'll let me help again!