Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 01:32 am
dlowan wrote:
I just checked the bath/shower alcove.

Not touched.


That was fun.

The owner called to say he wasn't coming, had to take his kid to something, and they would take my word. and do an extra good clean next time. I said I wasn't happy with that, and wanted my money and keys etc back.

I also pointed out that key things had not been done for the past few cleans...he claimed that he was there and they had been. I said I wanted him to come and I would be able to demonstrate clearly to him that they had not and I felt I was owed more than one half week's refund.

We actually had a yelling match!!! I sooooo seldom do that.

I am really upset by the whole thing. Still upset. Can't quite figure out why.....

I think, maybe, it is about how much you have to trust people who come into your place when you are not there, and how shocked I was to find two people I had never seen coming there. It felt really creepy and invasive. Also, they were totally incompetent, and avoided doing what they must have been told was their job.

The boss was so defensive that I think he felt really sprung.....no doubt he knows it was not ok to send the two young women there alone, without consulting me about strangers entering my home.

Still, my reaction was over the top, I think?

I dunno. I really prided myself on intelligent and honest cleaning when I did it.....you know, working out your own schedule of ensuring that everything got a regular special clean.

I used to do the job the first time at top speed, and time it, so I gave the customer a really fair account of how long I neded, then actually do the work at my own speed, taking rests when I needed them.

Still, I YELLED at this guy.

Smeg it.....
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 05:03 am
bunny, You are completely justified. You pay for cleaning, you expect that things will be clean. Yelling. Shame on that man. Strangers in your home. Shame on him again.

Phooey. Sorry you're upset.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 08:28 am
dlowan wrote:
I am really upset by the whole thing. Still upset. Can't quite figure out why.....

I would be upset too. It's not just business. You trust these people to care for your personal belongings. Being sick probably didn't help either.

You were totally justified in yelling. This guy was going to ignore you. I bet you have his attention now.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 08:29 am
I can understand why you became so angry, Deb. Apart from the strangers in your house & the lousy cleaning job they did, the owner was not taking your concerns seriously at all - by not even bothering to turn up to check on their work & also most likely fibbing about the past few cleans. (I'll bet he wasn't there at all!) Very casual attitude on his part. I'd give that company the flick - pronto!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 02:25 pm
Deb actually YELLED at somebody?!


OK, she can come sit by me now. :wink: Cool

Don't agonize over it, Deb. He deserved it, and he knows it. Probably did you some good to get it out of your system, and you picked the right target. So...good for you.

(Fifty bucks says it's not the first...or last...time he's been yelled at.)
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 04:22 pm
Things just keep getting better.

This am my new lounge suite arrived.

Couldn't be delivered.

Too big for lifts...too awkward for stairs.

There's a chance they will be able legally to get me to finish paying for it, as the fine print says customer needs to ensure deliverability.

Well, I see enormous lounge suites delivered here the whole time...this one is apparently just "awkward".

And I fell over and hurt myself when I was hurrying to help the guys try the fire stairs....slipped on the oil someone's car has spilled everywhere.

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Off to start negotiations with the company I bought the furniture from.

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked
0 Replies
Stray Cat
Reply Fri 30 Nov, 2007 07:20 pm
I work for a company that is, let's just say, in the financial arena.

One of our clients just found out that he has terminal cancer. He's really a sweet guy, in his late sixties.

So he came in today, along with his wife and son, to make sure that his finances are in order. His son's wedding was scheduled for next February but they moved it up -- to next week! So at least the guy gets to see his son get married.

It was just so sad. It was also unnerving -- realizing that this person that you're looking at and talking to won't be around for much longer. Sad

I don't know. I suppose it's a good thing to know when your time's about up, so you can tie up loose ends.

But to tell you the truth? I think it's better not to know. It's just too damn sad.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 12:52 am
dlowan wrote:
Things just keep getting better.

This am my new lounge suite arrived.

Couldn't be delivered.

Too big for lifts...too awkward for stairs.

There's a chance they will be able legally to get me to finish paying for it, as the fine print says customer needs to ensure deliverability.

Well, I see enormous lounge suites delivered here the whole time...this one is apparently just "awkward".

And I fell over and hurt myself when I was hurrying to help the guys try the fire stairs....slipped on the oil someone's car has spilled everywhere.

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Off to start negotiations with the company I bought the furniture from.

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

<patting Deb>

Poor thing, you're having a bit of a bad run, aren't you?

The new lounge suite was supposed to brighten up your day (after the episode with the bloody cleaning company!), dammit! Evil or Very Mad

Aw, I'm sorry, Deb. It's hideous when these sorts of normal everyday things become major boulders one has to push uphill! I know, I know ... I have had some experience in these things! Rolling Eyes

Mostly I'm hoping that you haven't injured yourself in your fall. Now THAT would be all you need!

And I'm hoping the company which sold the lounge suite to you will use common sense & aim for good business PR & resolve this with you amicably. Fingers crossed for you in Melbourne. With the cleaning company, too!

um .... do you think perhaps you should lay low for a wee bit? :wink:

Here's a nice glass of chilled sav blanc for you, possum! Enjoy! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 12:57 am
Stray Cat wrote:
It's just too damn sad.

Yes, it is just too damned sad, Stray Cat.

I'm so sorry for this man, I'm sorry for his family & I'm sorry for you & your fellow workers who must all be grief stricken.

Life's a bugger sometimes! Sad
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 01:06 am
msolga wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Things just keep getting better.

This am my new lounge suite arrived.

Couldn't be delivered.

Too big for lifts...too awkward for stairs.

There's a chance they will be able legally to get me to finish paying for it, as the fine print says customer needs to ensure deliverability.

Well, I see enormous lounge suites delivered here the whole time...this one is apparently just "awkward".

And I fell over and hurt myself when I was hurrying to help the guys try the fire stairs....slipped on the oil someone's car has spilled everywhere.

Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Off to start negotiations with the company I bought the furniture from.

Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked


Poor thing, you're having a bit of a bad run, aren't you?

The new lounge suite was supposed to brighten up your day (after the episode with the bloody cleaning company!), dammit! Evil or Very Mad

Aw, I'm sorry, Deb. It's hideous when these sorts of normal everyday things become major boulders one has to push uphill! I know, I know ... I have had some experience in these things! Rolling Eyes

Mostly I'm hoping that you haven't injured yourself in your fall. Now THAT would be all you need!

And I'm hoping the company which sold the lounge suite to you will use common sense & aim for good business PR & resolve this with you amicably. Fingers crossed for you in Melbourne. With the cleaning company, too!

um .... do you think perhaps you should lay low for a wee bit? :wink:

Here's a nice glass of chilled sav blanc for you, possum! Enjoy! Very Happy

Thank you!!!

I'm hoping the three nasties thing has already happened. I had a car accident the week before last. (You know how it comes in threes!)

Actually, I was home on Friday because the neck pain from that finally laid me low on Friday! I would have known I had rotten cleaners in the house, but not that they were strangers, if not for that.

I am not much hurt from the fall...but, of course, it has made my dumb neck worse. Grrrrrr...... I was running because the guys trying to use the fire stairs for the delivery made an alarm go off, and I wanted to make sure it wasn't a fire alarm, since a false alarm costs hundreds for the person responsible for it. Since this is an apartment building, there are automatic alarms, and two fire engines come within a minute or two.

I can't start negotiations until Monday. Sigh.

The man has not, as far as I know, returned my keys etc. I will check in a while to see if he left them in my letter box without calling me. I feel I need to have the locks changed.

Going out for a nice dinner tonight.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 01:24 am
A car accident, too! Shocked

Momma mia, Deb, it's definitely been your turn!

Seriously though, keep a close watch on any persistent aches or pains .... just in case.

However, given that these things run in threes, your patch of hideous bad luck is now over! I'm very, very confident of that! Very Happy

But .. um ... just to be on the safe side, what about getting who ever your having dinner with collect you, then safely deposit you at home after the meal?

Judging by the weather here, I reckon Adelaide must be enjoying a splendid first day of summer, as well! So go out & enjoy it. Kick up your heels! Switch right off from this other maddening stuff (which you have not much control over, anyway) & relax! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 09:39 am
msolga wrote:
A car accident, too! Shocked

Momma mia, Deb, it's definitely been your turn!

No kidding!

That's quite a run.

But yes, you've had your three nasties, sure hope that's that and things look up from here...!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Dec, 2007 08:02 pm
I hope today's looking a bit brighter for you, Deb! Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 08:35 pm

Such a run! Hope it's over now.

Saturday before last I woke up with my ankle so sore and swollen I couldn't walk. Have absolutely no idea what caused it. Was supposed to play tennis on the Friday night, but it was called off because of rain. Anyway, soreness and swelling lasted all week, and I've been trying all the usual conservative measures. My tennis team had it's semi-final on Tuesday night, and I had to pull out.

By last Saturday it's finally just about settled (again no tennis on Friday night). I can just about walk without pain. I bought a new (different) brace at the pharmacy, and then offered to help some friends with their painting.

They're in the middle of doing some extensive renovations, and now that one of the mothers has decided to come for Christmas, they are in a hurry to get the painting done - so that they can at least find a place for her to sleep!

My job is painting the door frames with undercoat. They have new floor boards in the hallway, but not yet in this room, and there's a gap of a couple of inches. Here I am, painting, painting..., and suddenly my leg disappears down to the knee, through the gap in the floorboards, and through the ceiling of the room below.

My knee is caught! I'm not sort of sitting/squatting on the floor, and can't think what to do (doesn't seem to be too many options!). Sit down, toss paintbrush (held through all this) on to the drop sheet and sort of holler / groan / shriek. Friends are working at the back of the house, so are slow to arrive.

The chap is concerned only about his beautiful floors, and immediately picks up paint brush, bucket of paint and drop sheet and moves them out of harm's way.

Maria sits with me and tries to sort out what has happened and how to get my leg out (we haven't noticed the ceiling below yet!). With much struggling and yelling, we finally extricate my leg, and try to see the damage. Fortunately, I was wearing tracky-dacks, and they protected my leg from severe skin breakages. We can't see how much damage is done to leg, but ice the leg anyway.

Then we see through to the other room - ceiling has gone down in one corner! Chap is just about beside himself as we grasp enormity of accident. Finally manage to get up and struggle out to sit down and examine wounds. Killer bruising and not much broken skin, by the look of it. Ice and arnica for a while.

We have a cup of tea, and eat some of the birthday cake I have made for said chap (you can't be too angry at someone who has made a cake for you!). Then I hobble off for car and home.

At home, leg buckles, and I head-butt the shower recess, falling over in the process!

Now I'm hurting just about everywhere, including head. Have another cup of tea and head to bed - it has to be the only safe place! Sleep for 10 hours! Spend all Sunday resting leg - and not fit enough now to play in tennis final for this Tuesday.

I don't think they'll let me help again!

Confused Shocked
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 08:42 pm
Margo, love, this is terrible!

First, we/you gotta figure out what happened in the first instance.

Then, with the painting, the fellow in question had, um, cur like behavior, even if he did make a cake.

I suppose it hasn't dawned on him you could sue him.. (I know you wouldn't).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 08:53 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Margo, love, this is terrible!

First, we/you gotta figure out what happened in the first instance.

Then, with the painting, the fellow in question had, um, cur like behavior, even if he did make a cake.

I suppose it hasn't dawned on him you could sue him.. (I know you wouldn't).

It surely had dawned on him that I could sue! Forseeability and all that. He mentioned it as I was leaving!

I made the cake for him - his birthday! Rather good, I thought - Chocolate with sultanas and spices (cloves and cinnamon!)

He wasn't really cur-like - but he's Germanic - and probably didn't know what else he could do! Haven't spoken to him since. Maria called me yesterday to see what else had happened!

And she gets to play in my place in Tuesday's final! Crying or Very sad
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 09:25 pm
Umm, chocolate with sultanas and spices...

I hope that's a curative, even if self made. (whatta dick..)

Take care, kid, as Roberta would say.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 09:43 pm

Poor baby!!!!!


All that suffering, and feeling bad about the damned ceiling too!

I realised how serious my concrete fall might have been as the pain settled in.

My JAW hurts...I assume I hit it with my shoulder as my arm absorbed half the impact....I can feel where my collarbone also absorbed the impact...and I think I gave myself mild concussion...I was certainly a bit confused and dizzy on Saturday night, and good for absolutely nothing on Sunday, and very rocky this morning.

I can walk fine, but bending my knee is murder.

I spoke for the first time to the sofa company. The woman I spoke to had a response right up my alley...she just said "Bugger!!!" She is speaking to the store manager and I guess we go from there. Still no clue how they will receive it.

Margo...are you at work? If so, ought you to be?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Dec, 2007 10:19 pm
dlowan wrote:

Margo...are you at work? If so, ought you to be?

Not too bad today - sore all over like you (except for jaw!) Yep - us women of a certain age can certainly do themselves some injury!

Fortunately, it's a relatively quiet day.

You should rest - I'd recommend a week in bed with good books, the odd alcoholic drink (and several not-so-odd), and perhaps a cat to pat!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Dec, 2007 12:10 am
Yup, Deb. Things come in threes. You're done.

How's that for uncharacteristic optimism?
0 Replies

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