Why does the Universe exist?

Thu 5 Dec, 2019 08:39 am
Why does the Universe exist? This mind-warping question leaves us puzzled with why we are existing at this specific moment rather than another. As a mere human being using my mind to grasp a very profound subject would be difficult to answer as I do not have the direct experience to back up my claim, however, I suggest the universe exists because of God. God created the universe because he wanted to create something rather than nothing. God is a supreme being with the power to create, and God can take on every possible form that he can, so what is happening is God is infinitely going through every possible form. Hence animals, atoms, humans, yourself, the entire universe, and an infinite amount of possibilities that we can not even imagine right now are being created as God is going through an endless amount of possibilities to create, as God has the power to do so. Therefore, I claim God is the explanation of why the universe exists. Although I theorized that this is the explanation as to why the universe exists, the question still remains, which is why are we not aware that God is taking on forms in the universe? I suggest this is because God's nature is tricky. Since God is all-powerful it would seem God would not be able to trick itself but for something to be all-powerful, it must have the power to trick itself! This is the transcendence of God, making his nature and power beyond incomprensible to living beings who would try to understand his existence. I believe we are currently existing right now as we are apart of God going through his infinite possibilities of creation. Although my claim seems absurd, the current objects we are witnessing right now could also be apart of the possibilities that God could create. We all want answers to why the universe exists, how God created himself or how God can be everything but simply put, things are the way they are because it just is. Truths can not always be proven but we must surrender to the fact that we do not always know.
cicerone imposter
Thu 5 Dec, 2019 11:07 pm
Okay, let's say the bible god existed around 1200 BC. Humans have been around for 200,000 years. Why did god appear so late in human history? The Bible as library
The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible, the sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between about 1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament books were written by Christians in the first century AD.
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 06:53 am
@cicerone imposter,
Your assumption that humans have been around for 200,000 years is based on nothing more than some very old bones.

If you are going to go 'by the book', you have to accept that the first man did not exist until God breathed his spirit into the body of 'Adam'. Do your bones tell you anything about that? Is there a carbon 14 test for spirit?

'Science' fans are funny when they try arguing from the Bible.
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 04:39 pm
Why does God exist?
0 Replies
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 05:36 pm
actually "Bible fans" are funny because they try to adapt science to their belief system and it doesnt fit .

The bones you speak of are usually found within layers of datable sediments or ash (freshly falled ). So yes, most specimens are easily ateable by at last 3 or more radionuclide techniques, some can ue many more. There are also several techniques for relative chemical erosion techniques like Fluorine dating" (non radiologic).

several hominin species can be measured via DNA " mutation clocks rates". We dont have but about 20% of specimen in which such testing can be performed , true, but so far theres been no refutation of the method.

Youre smarter than your latest post. Why are you dragging up an argument that only Fundamentalist Christians even play with?. Youre not a Fundamentalist Christian? or have you visited th Ark EXperience and bought their line of doody.

Fri 6 Dec, 2019 05:57 pm
I'm an Arts fan, a pox on both your houses.
0 Replies
Fil Albuquerque
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 06:01 pm
"Spirit" is just your atomic archetype/map...Information!
...if there is such a thing like a Multiverse or in turn, a sequence of Big-Bangs ad infinitum, then it logically follows that every variation of you has a greater than zero chance to exist somewhere in the "future" or parallel to your current timeline, including the repetition of the exact you that just posted above.
...funny enough going down the rabbit hole we don't know how many times we have just repeated these same posts...thankfully we don't remember it, and that is why "death" is so Necessary!
0 Replies
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 06:07 pm
WTF, I’m trying to decide who misinterpreted my post the worst, farmer or fil.
Fil Albuquerque
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 06:10 pm
..oh you are misinterpreting my point...I was not focused on your metaphor for Adam's bullshit. Instead I just went on a diatribe on "Spirit" talk...
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 06:13 pm
And what does the fossil of a spirit look like anyway?
Fri 6 Dec, 2019 06:14 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
Oh you assume far too much about what I meant

And for the record, I was replying to CI who brought up the 'Bible argument'.
0 Replies
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 06:49 am
forensic evidence shows us that many species of early hominims did practice some sorts of ritual and arts and even weaponry. If you are asserting that all these arly species were NOT human and humanity was pumped into some chosen species, then Im not the one who has to worry about which burdens of proof I need to sleep soundly.

Making up bullshit stories to feed a belief system is really easy, you have no rules or rods to follow. If it happens God diddit, If it doesnt happen Goddidat too. Most oft religions and need for spiritual intercession is a kind of intellectual laziness and shows a real scientific ADHD.

Fil Albuquerque
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 07:32 am
I like to poke around Farma so indulge me for a second. I have two questions for you:

1 - What is the statistical likelihood of Homo Sapiens being the top Intelligent species in the Universe/Multiverse? I know we don't know but guestimate!

2 - How do you feel about Super AGI as an inevitable step forward from Bio's to Silicones?
(forget the "old gods" nonsense)

Sat 7 Dec, 2019 01:01 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
1. I wouldnt have a clue because I hve no base from hich to compute. (A one point graph doesnt have much thinking behind it)
However, in the last week, I saw my sci news has reported that a multinational team has identified 4 "earth size" planets in our galaxy at about 40 light yers distance. The spectra from these planets contained water (I have no idea how we can even see , let alone expand a spectral report from what would essentilly be a light "dot". Outside of that I v got nothin. Im sure the sci fi "cientists" will write all orts of novellas about how this work out for us.

2. What I think you are speaking about is "life" created by intercession of super computing networks that have formed AN AI (One thhats abl to say "let there be light"?. Due to chemical constraints I dont see Silica based "life" formed naturally so, it could make some great scfi about "super AI" suddenly thinking its the deity in charge and starts whipping up Silica life forms "After its likeness".
Carbon has so many more reaction and adhesive sites than does silicon and there are so many ligands of C compounds and the number of isotopes is "just right". I still will bet that probably the life we may find , naturally created , will be C based.

We need to re-define intelligence and get it out of an anthropogenic closed sphere.
Fil Albuquerque
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 01:13 pm
Yes, I am sort off aware that carbon is the right ingredient and so is water as a solvent.
I agree that we have an anthropomorphized view of Intelligence.
Nonetheless "sci-fi" demigods can be real for all that we know. The statistical possibility to my layman view is not negligible, even if they did not arise naturally and were developed by a biological ancient alien species now extinct..
Point being that concerning "God" talk this is as far as I am willing to go.
Moreover, I don't believe Demigods have any more free will just as we do not and are bound to the rules of the "machine". So not much of a "God" no matter the IQ...
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 05:34 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
The AI "Gods" , I admit, would make a great series for sci fi. Start off with "Let there be light" and follow genesis but stick in the reality of a human created system of interconnected" adding machines" that had gotten away from our control and developed their own business plan, in which we become mere tools.
The series could be groaningly long , with advances and setbacks to retaking our solar system an galaxy. OR It could be boring as hell, like "DUNE" .

Fil Albuquerque
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 06:17 pm
Are you familiar with the term "late filters" on the Fermi paradox? Well Super AGI might be one of them and far far worse than nuclear bombs. I wouldn't like to see our planet turned into a Computronium.

PS - Regarding "early filters" check a video on my other thread that just popped up from Anton Petrov about a lake in Ethiopia where there is no life at all. Hot acidic and salty all 3 together seems to be a killer...not even extremophiles can handle it.
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 06:53 pm
@Fil Albuquerque,
my understanding re the great filters Ive only read in some stuff by Webb. ACting against abiogenesis in the galaxy may be thought of as any fundamental reaction control . We do know that, on earth, life seemed to have had, at last 3 "kick starts" that were separated by time and chemistry. ALL were remarkably similar in that they seemed to "bio accumulate" C12 and were rotatory compounds that were levo rotatory. The consistency is amazing on this planet. I think e will use this finding as an initial model from which to compare anything that e may see on other planets (as we get going in any searches for evidence of actual life).
Ill look at that vid clip. Robt Hazens hypothesis is that the Hadean Earth was composed of only about 35 elements. Complex chemistry grew via "incoming" support via bolides during the period of "Heavy Bombardment" So, "extremophiles" may be a rather recent phenomenon in ascending life on the planet, and are the result of environmental adaptation to a changing environment as a result of geologic processes .
Like the Gypsum Caves of Mexico wherein only a few forms of life now live, we see evidence of greater numbers and diversity in earlier faunal fossil assemblages in the very same area.

Those caves have hot water, acidic conditions (the gypsum is the result of buffering of sulfuric acid a it flowed through ancient limestone.

Does that vid clip discuss the previou edaphic conditions that existed before it became an area barren of all life? That I would find really interesting.

Fil Albuquerque
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 06:58 pm
I used the term "extremophiles" loosely. Anton talks about ancient bacteria (Archea) go check it.

PS - Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1aE2rA3CYU
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Fil Albuquerque
Sat 7 Dec, 2019 07:16 pm
Specifically Nanohalloarchaea can't cope with the lake conditions Farma.

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