I am not saying you're blind. You once were blind, and now you see. I am giving an analogy to you and others, so maybe each everyone can come to understand your frustration with the scientific community doing that is doing the advanced research in particle physics, relativity, and evolutionary biology. They are highly intelligent gifted researchers, that have worked hard inside the system that has developed over years of consensus interpretation of data. They now have complete authority over the system and how the data is interpreted because of consensus wit their peers.
You and i are supporting that consensus with our tax dollars, and by submitting to how the educational system in our country is run. We agree with almost every interpretation of the scientific data that is provided by them, basically because most interpretations are straight forward and true. But their consensus interpretation that there is no designer is not true. You are right to point out that the complexity being revealed by evolutionary biology has (to a reasonable person) proven that interpretation wrong, and is vividly portraying the bigotry of the scientific community. I have a very good understanding of QM, relativity, and entropic gravity. I have completed the model of entropic gravity in my mind, and can picture it. It is going to reveal layers of complexity in space and matter that will rival that being revealed by evolutionary biology. The only thing slowing the development of entropic gravity and evolutionary biology is bigotry.
A blind person can be content not knowing how important sight was to developing the elevator they are riding in as they head to the top floor of skyscraper. But, not knowing and not needing to know and even taking it faith is ok. Denying that the person next to them in the elevator can see, and that ability to see is important to the elevator operating in the skyscraper is not good. Telling every other blind person they don't have know and should not be educated about sight in school is more wrong. Telling scientists we shouldn't even be looking for cures to blindness is down right evil.
Maybe a few people who can see should get to join the group of peers, instead of the blind leading the people who can see. And maybe the people who can see should take the time to educate themselves so they deserve a seat at the table and then, fight for it.
Believers are such self deprecating weenies sometimes.