Why does the Universe exist?

Thu 30 May, 2019 01:46 pm
Sturgis wrote:

Of course this begs the question as to whether the tarantulas actually exist...

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Thu 30 May, 2019 03:02 pm
Of course not. I didn’t create you nor you me... nor any other person you mentioned. We are all thoughts just like anything else in this mind. We simply share a realm of existence which we call a universe. Simply put we reside within the mind of God. Objects are no more real than an object in your imagination. However, due to relativity, an iron pipe in this universe is a much stronger ‘object’ than a shin bone and would crack it without a problem. But all things are nothing more than a thought.
Thu 30 May, 2019 03:43 pm
Licobob wrote:

Of course not. I didn’t create you nor you me... nor any other person you mentioned. We are all thoughts just like anything else in this mind. We simply share a realm of existence which we call a universe. Simply put we reside within the mind of God. Objects are no more real than an object in your imagination. However, due to relativity, an iron pipe in this universe is a much stronger ‘object’ than a shin bone and would crack it without a problem. But all things are nothing more than a thought.

Then there is no "we" If objects aren't real, then none of us exist at all.

God is just wishful thinking in the minds of real objects (us) that do actually exist.

In other words, we created the thought of gods, not the other way around.
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cicerone imposter
Thu 30 May, 2019 04:18 pm
Gods do not exist. They are creations men, and there are thousands of them. Why would any god appear only 2000 years ago, when man has walked this planet for over 200,000 years? Also, there is evidence that homos sapiens evolved from primates into what we call Homo sapiens today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_evolution
Thu 30 May, 2019 04:19 pm
TuringEquivalent wrote:

Why does the Universe exist? There are two questions here.
First, why is there a Universe at all? It might have been true
that nothing ever existed: no living beings, no stars, no atoms,
not even space or time. When we think about this possibility,
it can seem astonishing that anything exists. Second, why does
this Universe exist? Things might have been, in countless
ways, different. So why is the Universe as it is?

because god wanted it to be...he made the universe for reasons unknown and then he placed his son upon us to cleans this world of sins but instead he gave his life to save us from ours...for a better answer read the catholic bible..or any bible in gineral
Thu 30 May, 2019 05:00 pm
kaylie-the-cutter wrote:

because god wanted it to be...he made the universe for reasons unknown and then he placed his son upon us to cleans this world of sins but instead he gave his life to save us from ours...for a better answer read the catholic bible..or any bible in gineral

What is this "but instead" you put in there?

What? Like some made up god sent a made up son to do one thing, but the son had a better idea and did his way?

You don't even know what this bible, which is a book written by and out of the imagination of men (illiterate sheep herders who lived during the bronze and iron age) says.

Perhaps you need to read that useless book to get it straight.

So this god created an entire unviverse, (for some unknown reason Rolling Eyes ) then on one of the specks in this universe
this made up god put all this drama about people being born with some bullshit pre existing sin on every humans non existent soul so he could send himself to sacrifice himself, to save us from himself?

There is no "reason" for the universe. Some people can't fathom that, and they need to create a story so it will somehow make sense to them.

There is a How as to universe, which we don't entirely understand (yet). There is no Why.

It is incredible, and a pity that the enormity, awesomeness, and complexity of the universe has to be bastardized by nitwits into some unbelievable, idiotic fairy tale.

I know, I know, this completely boggles your mind, and I understand there isn't any way for you to wrap your mind around it. It would though, if you actually looked at it with a logical and critical eye for about 2 minutes. But that would require actually caring if something is true or not)
Thu 30 May, 2019 06:19 pm
I take it that you dont believe eh? Ye shall be left smoten (ish)
Thu 30 May, 2019 07:04 pm
Yesterday farmer, during my 14 hours road trip back to Texas, I listened to about 1/2 of an audio book called "The Worthing Saga" It's a real good'un. It's got space travel, people (doesn't mention the planet) that through genes passed down through women to sons, can not only see what you are thinking, but can dig through your mind to pull up any of your memories they want.

In one of the storylines of the book, it becomes apparant how easily it can come about, even if you're trying to stop it (since you're the object of people focus), the formation of some kind of religious belief system.

I've found that sometimes an audio book doesn't translate into as good a read, but I'm really enjoying this one.
Thu 30 May, 2019 07:06 pm
BTW, I'd be glad to consider any kind of evidence that can actually be proven. You know, not things like "just look at the trees"
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Thu 30 May, 2019 07:14 pm
I love audio books , even technical ones. It keeps the ol meat computer cliking.
I recall the old Catholic answers to why was the earth, then galaxy, then universe "Created"???

Lota Bullshit by everybody except for a few priests and brothers who were still considering and pondering an answer for themselves.

Facts and Evidence, never steers us wrong .
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Fri 31 May, 2019 09:01 am
The fool has said in his heart "There is no God."
Fri 31 May, 2019 09:33 am
Ponderer wrote:

The fool has said in his heart "There is no God."

Why don't you quote the entire verse of Psalm 14:1, which is:

"The fool says in his heart,
“There is no God.”
They are corrupt, their deeds are vile;
there is no one who does good."

Again with the cherry picking.
You find it easy enough to quote just enough to make someone feels those who question are actually fools (IMO those who refuse to question are more likely the fools).
However, you omit the part that accuses anyone who questions of being corrupt, vile and incapable of doing good.

In fact, some of the most upstanding, ethical and generous people on this planet are indeed non believers. Go tell Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffet and many more who have donated billions to good causes. Atheists are in fact generally more generous in giving than believers.

If you want to look at corrupt and vile, take a gander at Mother Teresa, who let untold numbers perish in her "house of dying" because, well basically it was good for business to have people suffer. Brought them closer to god and all that.

It's been well documented that the least religious countries also have the least crime, and that the prison system in the US at least of crammed with "believers"

This fool knows how to read the complete statement.

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cicerone imposter
Fri 31 May, 2019 12:07 pm
The fool has said in his heart "There is no God."
The fact of the matter is, there are thousands of gods that men have created - out of thin air. Many were based on Greek and Egyptian mythology. Many are worshipped as their sole maker and creator. There are also many religions practiced in this world, not only christianity. Most are culturally based, although christianity is the most popular. http://www.adherents.com/Religions_By_Adherents.html. My "god" happens to be "science." I will not call you a "fool," because you practice a religion; that would be un-christian. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_evolution
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Fri 31 May, 2019 01:02 pm
@cicerone imposter,
Gods do not exist.

Maybe they do. Until we are no longer in an earthly shell we can't be sure.
(that is, unless God has been communicating privately with you)

Why would any god appear only 2000 years ago?

The biblical God was around long before then. So were the gods and goddesses of Egyptian, Greek, Roman and other so-called "mythology" . Mythology is based on reality (or at least what was reality at the time).
Fri 31 May, 2019 01:54 pm
Mythology may in some part be based on reality, but it is not actual reality. I dunno, maybe a swan did rape Leda, and she gave birth to Helen of Troy. I really don't want to think of what the reality of that was.

Just as a commedian makes us laugh by exaggerating what really happens in life. It's an imitation, usually overblown, of what reality is. Just as myths are the histrionic cousins of what really happened that day when we all got so drunk down by the lake we thought we could fly.

Absolutey nothing points to any sort of existence after death. If you exclude of course wishful thinking.

We won't know anything when we die, because we, as a person, will no longer exist.

The phenomena of NDE, which seems to be the closest people claim as proof of afterlife, can and has been reproduced in laboratory conditions. It's no more than the byproduct of a stressed and dying brain, randomly firing off memories, emotions etc. in a last cascade of mental fireworks before it turns off. It basically does this due to lack of oxygen, but there are other physiological reasons.

I understand that all this can be distressing and even anger making to those who have found any sort of comfort in these beliefs. But there you have it. Reality. Don't shoot the messenger.
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cicerone imposter
Fri 31 May, 2019 02:57 pm
Mythology is based on reality (or at least what was reality at the time).
. Their belief in their mythology doesn't make it true today. That's if you trust science.
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Sun 1 Dec, 2019 05:20 pm
The universe exists because it has to. However, the reason for this existence differentiates. For example, if you were to view this question from a religious standpoint, one may suggest that we exist because there is an almighty power that wants us to. Similar to this, the reasoning of why our particular universe exists is highly subjective as well. One may believe that there are parallel universes meaning "our" universe is not the only one to exist.
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Sun 1 Dec, 2019 08:25 pm
The cosmological question of “Why does the Universe exist?” has been pondered by humanity for millenia, yet we have not come to a consensus to what is the undeniable answer. My approach to this question is based on the monotheistic, abrahamic understanding of the Universe’s creation. The Universe exists because a supreme, eternal being(one that is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent), who is referred to by humanity as God, willed everything into existence from nothing. As God is the absolute creator of the universe, he existed incorporeally before the existence of anything else in the material universe he formed: therefore requiring no creator to create himself. This is the transcendence of God, making his nature and power beyond incomprensible to living beings who would try to understand his existence. Atheists commonly attribute the Big Bang as the force which created the Universe, but fail to realize that this was God’s means of creating the physical plane. God is not only the creator of the Universe but also its sustainer: holding indisputable sovereignty over all of his creation within the material universe at will. God felt it was necessary for a Universe to exist because it would be pointless for a creator deity to not have created anything to hold authority over. Our particular Universe exists the way it is simply based on the vision God has for his creation. If God felt that the Universe needed a change, the change would be made instantaneously. Therefore, however the Universe exists at the current moment is exactly how God envisions it as perfect. Us humans are created in the perfect image of God, arguably making us sentient, living beings the most important components of the Universe. Due to the fact that God has effectively created the one perfect Universe, there would be no need for any other number of parallel universes(the Multiverse) to be created. God’s power knows no bounds: just as He created the Universe before there was anything, he could very well obliterate it and create a new universe from nothing infinitely.
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Sun 1 Dec, 2019 11:17 pm
The answers to these questions can never have one simple definitive answer because that would make life too easy. The answers ultimately vary from person to person as we all hold different beliefs and have different opinions. Where one who has strong religious beliefs might say that God is the reason for the creation if us and the universe, another might believe the scientific theory called "The Big Bang Theory" which suggests that everything just came into existence with a "bang". Some might even believe that there is more than one universe and we are just living in one simulation, but again, it depends on who you ask to answer these questions.
Mon 2 Dec, 2019 06:18 am
And if you were asked?
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