kaylie-the-cutter wrote:
because god wanted it to be...he made the universe for reasons unknown and then he placed his son upon us to cleans this world of sins but instead he gave his life to save us from ours...for a better answer read the catholic bible..or any bible in gineral
What is this "but instead" you put in there?
What? Like some made up god sent a made up son to do one thing, but the son had a better idea and did his way?
You don't even know what this bible, which is a book written by and out of the imagination of men (illiterate sheep herders who lived during the bronze and iron age) says.
Perhaps you need to read that useless book to get it straight.
So this god created an entire unviverse, (for some unknown reason

) then on one of the specks in this universe
this made up god put all this drama about people being born with some bullshit pre existing sin on every humans non existent soul so he could send himself to sacrifice himself, to save us from himself?
There is no "reason" for the universe. Some people can't fathom that, and they need to create a story so it will somehow make sense to them.
There is a How as to universe, which we don't entirely understand (yet). There is no Why.
It is incredible, and a pity that the enormity, awesomeness, and complexity of the universe has to be bastardized by nitwits into some unbelievable, idiotic fairy tale.
I know, I know, this completely boggles your mind, and I understand there isn't any way for you to wrap your mind around it. It would though, if you actually looked at it with a logical and critical eye for about 2 minutes. But that would require actually caring if something is true or not)