Welcome to A2K, thalion. I completely disagree with Bernard Lonergan's characteristics (and desires) but I do agree that their counterparts fit quite nicely. We want to fulfill our own needs first, and then those of the people around us.
Death and Accesorizing are good ones. Although, I know there are some animals who accesorize as part of mating ritual.
Sleep is also a pretty universal human characteristc, although probably not a motivating force so much as somthing that just has to happen.
Rufio - I think open immigration sounds good but would probably lead to disaster. But that's another discussion for another thread.
Yeah, sounds like a good idea, Individual.
OK...how about the ability to think in terms of past, present and future?
Or the ability to think in the abstract?
Some mammals, especially primates may show signs of being able to think in, what we would consider very primitive abstract terms (e.g., GWBush and Koko). And someone here has suggested that elephants can anticipate death (but that's spurious, I think). They do show signs of grief, but how similar that is to the grief experience of humans has not been determined.