Lightwizard wrote:Ya want to also change Mirriam Webster?
Surely you're not pretending that this is a "traditional" definition of the term "marriage". M-W is perfectly welcome to get out in front on adding a new alternative definition, as they have, but what point do you think it proves?
You may not be aware of it, but M-W was the subject of controversy a year or two back when they knuckled under to PC forces and cleansed their Thesaurus of synonyms they deemed potentially offensive; terms like "queer" which--whether for good or ill are synonyms for "homosexual" were removed because of complaints from the PC crowd. (I just searched M-W's online thesaurus using the word "homosexual" and got this result:
Quote:No entries found that match homosexual.
Is anybody out there going to argue that there are no synonyms for "homosexual" in use in the English language today? Given a choice between simply reporting on the language, M-W has chosen to take a political stance on the use of language. I think that's wrong. I don't like "murder", but I don't think listing the word means you are a proponent thereof.
My point? M-W has shown itself to be an entity predisposed to toe the PC/liberal line rather than simply act as an accurate register of the true state of the English language today, so while I agree that the word "marriage" is beginning to see use in keeping with the new definition they offer, I don't put too much meaning in anything they (M-W) do these days.