Jammer is terrible.
I get very annoyed at people speaking on cell phones when they're driving.
The rest of it doesn't bother me THAT much but I have a huge advantage in that I'm deaf so I can ignore it all if I want to.
It does bother me inasmuch that it seems to cut people off from their fellows. I was thinking of that the other day when I was in a long line... people used to be more chatty in these sorts of situations, here pretty much everyone was on their cell phone.
But chattiness does happen, too.
Meanwhile, a jam would seem to jam texts as well and I object to that wholeheartedly. I send a lot of important texts and expect to be able to. If some jammer made it so I couldn't tell my daughter I'd be late to pick her up, OR contact a friend of mine to take her home instead, OR my husband to let him know what was going on, or anything, I'd be extremely pissed.
(Would this jam emails too?)