Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 08:06 am
Israel is against a right of return for the Palestinians. It claims such a return would destroy the Jewish nature of Israel. Israel also contends that the Palestinians were not forced to leave back in 1948.

So if the Palestinians had stayed as Israel claims they had a right to do, then Israel's present Jewishness would be lost, which the Israelis are against.

Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 08:17 am
if they kept the receipt, they should have the right of return for up to 30 days

(there might be a restocking charge applied)
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 08:39 am
It would be unusual for anyone to want to go or stay where they have no rights; but the notion of home is a hard one to account for....
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 08:57 am
They all turned to **** after the Ottoman empire :\
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 09:50 am
Notice that the original Israeli Zionist Jews that came from Europe, and the Israeli Sephardic Jews that came from Moslem countries, do not want a right of return, and even the Jews of German descent that left much property back in Germany do not want a right of return (to Germany). My point is that it isn't even 100 years since Israel's Jewish citizens lived in other lands, and "learned" that they were persona non grata in what had been their family's homelands for upwards of 3,000 years (for the Sephardim and upwards of 2,000 years for the Ashkenazim). So, since Europe and the Middle East really considered Jews expendable (i.e., put into crematoriums), then the normal rules of one's homeland might have to be viewed differently in this instance, unless of course Israeli Jews should eliminate the problem by just walking into the sea until the water was over their heads. That might really be the one solution that many would be satisfied with. Barring that solution, Israeli Jews have nowhere to go, and are not likely to hand over the modern state that they toiled to develop in just sixty years. That would be just plum foolish.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 10:58 am
The term right of return refers to a principle of international law, codified in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, giving any person the right to return to, and re-enter, his or her country of origin.

When told your home is likely to be under attack, or when you see other towns being destroyed and their inhabitants forced to flee, it makes perfect sense to flee yourself. Under international law, that does NOT mean the conqueror can simply take over your property or make it impossible for you to return and reclaim it. Under international law, Palestinians have the right to return to their former homes. That right has been blocked for sixty years.
Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 07:21 am
The Palestinians had very little options after Deir Yassin.

The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the Irgun Zevai Leumi and Lohamei Herut Israel Zionist paramilitary groups attacked Deir Yassin near Jerusalem, a Palestinian-Arab village of roughly 600 people. The assault occurred as Jewish militia sought to relieve the blockade of Jerusalem during the civil war that preceded the end of British rule in Palestine.

Around 107 villagers were killed during and after the battle for the village, including women and children—some were shot, while others died when hand grenades were thrown into their homes. Several villagers were taken prisoner and may have been killed after being paraded through the streets of West Jerusalem, though accounts vary. Four of the attackers died, with around 35 injured. The killings were condemned by the leadership of the Haganah—the Jewish community's main paramilitary force—and by the area's two chief rabbis. The Jewish Agency for Israel sent Jordan's King Abdullah a letter of apology, which he rebuffed.

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