Fri 24 Feb, 2012 11:24 am
What indeed? How much would you do(or go through) in order to get some cash? Let me give you an example: Say that you are presently 40 years of age. The conditions for getting the money(in this example 200 million dollars) in an early retirement fund to be paid out starting at the age of 60 years old(twenty years at the job) at the rate of 10 million bucks per year for twenty years. The conditions are,however,that you must first work in very degrading,fairly dangerous,and unsanitary conditions at a factory pulling chicken guts out of chickens for 60-80 hours per week for a base wage of 7.25 usd per hour. Would you take the money-and the job? MR ps-I would NOT take this job.
Your question and my answer is nothing.
I am a freelancer, so $7 plus per hour is high paid job to me.
I would not take it neither.