People have been fairly pleasant to you and you are watering the boards.
I get it you have dyslexia but so do a lot of smarties.
What I see is exhibitionism, hon.
Wouldn't the dogs be shocked if someone told them they had an owner.
"What? What? You mean that fellow who brings us our meals, shakes out our bedding and accompanies us on our walks about the neighborhood? Owner? HaHA! "
When I had both children and dogs, I had to bath the dogs, the children took care of themselves.
The children ate what I cooked, the dogs got particular foods (crunchy or wet) measured out carefully so as not to disturb their digestion.
The children had specific places where they slept, the dogs, especially the big Dobe, Duchess, napped just about wherever they wanted.
The dogs loved me without reservation, the children not so much.
Joe(and now I realize why)Nation
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Sat 25 Feb, 2012 12:00 pm
What surprised me was dog owners needing to be coerced into stopping leaving **** all over the place. One might have thought they would have had the common decency to avoid annoying the rest of us so gratuitously.
One wouldn't wish to speculate too deeply on the necessity to bring forward legislation to discourage such distasteful behaviour.
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Sat 25 Feb, 2012 02:06 pm
he'd have to stay inside all the time, or else he turns to stone... from that we can infer that if he is a troll, he is also an introvert...
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Sat 25 Feb, 2012 09:06 pm
I do now, although I wish I hadn't...
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Sat 25 Feb, 2012 09:20 pm
Have you never heard of Bill Goat Gruff, Vanquisher of Trolls, Liberator of Bridges ? ! ? ! ?
OmSigDavid: Yes.
0 Replies
Sat 25 Feb, 2012 11:53 pm
ehBeth wrote:
Actually, he's more like a companion of dogs.
Nobody owns the dogs that live in this house.
And the question of who is the boss is adequately answered when we examine who cleans up whose ****.