Sun 19 Feb, 2012 07:04 pm
I’m planning the wedding of two good friends of mine for May of this year at The Water Club in New York. I'm so incredibly happy for my friends and as I prepare for that day, they know that I love them both very much and I’m proud to stand with them as you enter into their marriage.
I will write more about the most amazing day, but perspective requires some distance for now.
The weather should be beautiful in New York at that time of year.
If you need help with ideas/suggestions, don't be bashful about asking here.
OMG thank you! I am going to need all the help I can get. I’ve never planned a wedding before and I’m having a panic attack just thinking about it, one of them is one picky biotch!
That would be her, the Jewish princess! I have my work cut out for me that’s for sure!
So you've got a JAP on your hands. I'm familiar with the breed.
Relax. Nothing you do will be good enough.
I'll be following along. If I can think of something to help, I'll let you know.
RP and I were married in NY in May (20 years ago this year, actually). It is a beautiful time of year but do keep in mind that if you're doing anything outside, you need contingency plans in the event of rain. Of course there's a billion other things, but for a wedding the first things should be date and place. A lot of other stuff begins to fall into place once those two things are set.
A few years ago, my wife's coworker had an online blog about his wedding in San Francisco. I do not know if it is still available. I will provide a link if I can.
<dons virtual hat>
Ooooooooooh, you'll do a great job for the boys, so don't panic! Do tell as you go along, if you can.
<pls send hugs to our two and half men - missing seeing them around <sigh> >
I'll be following along too.
May the bird of paradise poop on your nose.
I think pot stickers would be good at the wedding, but I'm not sure they're so easy as they need to be fresh and hot
Date is set, terrace booked, restaurant booked, working on the guest list and plan on having it done by the end of the week.
The Water Club has been very helpful. I panicked just a bit after seeing a few of the estimates then remembered I’m not the one paying for it.
If they would only legalize Gay marriage in every state that would be the boost our economy needs.
Jeff and Larry will love what ever you do to help them celebrate this big event in their lives.
Jeff is very easy going, Larry on the other hand is one pushy little bitch
No pink flowers for the page boy

How exciting!
The Princess wants white callas lilies at his wedding.
I’m not going to stress about it; I have two members from the Equality NY chapter doing a little volunteering for me. Its not as easy as I thought, would be but I’m in Florida and the wedding is in NY!
I may ask my doctor for a prescription of xanax before this is over.