1DAwkins was quite young in that "cherry picked fonied up "interview"
We didnt understand fossil genes until the mid 90's Dawkins is gonna be 77 .
Its like asking Raymond Lowey why his 55 Studebaker doesnt have GPS.
2. "Whales with legs" works both ways, we can trace whale evolution from paleocene PACKYCETUS to miocene ZEUGLODON and trace the relict leg and hip structures evolving to a smaller and smaller feture. We can go backward from a mysticetes and odontocetes alive today back to zeuglodon and see the derivation.
If ya dont understnd how things are used , dont criticize what you didnt understnd
3. Snelling is a common contributor to AIG and hes been taken to task for an explanation why did anybody submit a sample of an eruption, the date of which could be seen in a news reel photo. He never answered any of the questions posed bout the rationale for the sampling and the methodologies. Hes not an idiot. He was , like steve Austen, a REAL scientist until he begqn using his training to deceive the "flock" SNELLING has often been called a Creationist Huckster. You are impressed most of us who actually do (and understand the limits) of radionuclide dating, are not. NOW,These dumass samples will reside in many dating libraries (Like the fake Triceratops and stegosaurus fossils that read out at 20K to 40K dates (not understanding that these speies were tens if millions of years separated in the stratigraphy.). Being in these libraris gives some credibility and fucks up the main stream data (These 12 samples stick out like MASSIVE outliers of values which alwys have to be discussed so everyone knows they are FAKES)
WHAT you guy lose the sight of, is that science has numerous ways of checking and cross checking, we can compare these methods to other methodological outcomes and can accept value overlaps of about
0.2% +/-
4 . There will always be fakes and frauds, mostly done for money or press and are often actual dumb mistakes (like E.D. Cope who had his"Brontosaurus head mounted on the tail of the dinosaur insted of the neck)> That was discovered in an afternoon by O.C.Marsh (Copes deadly enemy later in life). Piltdown was ultimately discovered to be a fake by geoscientists when forensic methods were mature enough to slam the door on the fake. Most Scientists hqd expressed doubt in Piltdowns veracity. All these unmasking of fakes i part of a story that hows how paleontology is often like forensic science. Theres allways something new out there
Youre easy. I wonder whether this lion, if released to the wild will last long as a croissant eater. I think he will become someone elses lunch. T rex prey (ffossils) have been found in the Hell Creek wherein the long bones show perfectly mqtched tooth patterns from a nearby fossil Trex. Sort puts a clomp on your vegriesaurus rex
Theres alway a story about deer eating meat. What you dont seem to get is that DENTITION follows function, ya will have a deuce of a time eating shrubbery if youre a T rex or a Smilodon. You have very few molqrs Youre just being (may I say) kinda idiotic and quite ignorant about anatomy . I dont believe tht you actully believe that ****. I think youre hving a private joke (like our gungqsnake who will buy anything as long as it can feed some stupid bozo hypothesis).
I must say that you seem convinced of your worldview(Id just work on some better reasoning thqn what youve been proposing)