Evolution vs Rastafari: Why you have to go with Rastafari

Thu 16 Nov, 2017 05:42 pm
Au contrair! Only a an uneducated misguided ignoramus could believe that an amoeba convention produced an eye, after they discovered they could not comprehend the light. Wow, Even John the apostle is smarter than most people today because he wrote " And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."
Thu 16 Nov, 2017 05:46 pm
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Thu 16 Nov, 2017 06:02 pm
You misspelled au contraire. You refer to a an uneducated ignoramus. You come up with a bobble verse which alleges that a light shines in the darkness, and the darkness doesn't comprehend the light. If light "shineth," there ain't no darkness . . . Bubba.

There is no humor more hilarious than unintended humor.
Thu 16 Nov, 2017 06:10 pm
actually he was sayingGold contraire but that would be stupid also, so hes stupid in 2 languages and two sciences
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Mon 20 Nov, 2017 04:21 pm
Rastafari isn't just better than evoloserism, it's better than I-slam as well...
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Wed 22 Nov, 2017 07:04 am
I hear what you were saying about how obvious it is that evolution is not true, Or even logical.... whales with legs, reptiles with feathers, And highly engineered bacteria created by a chemical spup deep in the ocean.
Plants like dandelions utilizing the wind, Maple keys with helicopter technology, Burr bushes designing Velcro etc. Screams intelligence!

The crazy part is how people, Even people with high intellect have been deceived Into believing so many false teachings like Islam, Mormonism, Catholicism, evolutionism etc. (I used to be one of them)

As the Psalmist wrote, only a person says in his heart there is no God.
Could it be? That the main reason false teachings thrive is because the hardness of humankind’s heart?

Wed 22 Nov, 2017 09:40 am
lants like dandelions utilizing the wind, Maple keys with helicopter technology, Burr bushes designing Velcro etc. Screams intelligence!
so the velcro came firt and the plant copied eh??

Smokin something new for the Holidays are ya??
0 Replies
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 09:44 am
Helloandgoodbye wrote:
Plants like dandelions utilizing the wind, Maple keys with helicopter technology, Burr bushes designing Velcro etc. Screams intelligence!

No, it doesn't. It screams Evolution, loud and clear. And it leaves a trail of evidence in its wake for anyone with a brain to see. You just have your eyes closed. The examples you site don't support your case, they only display your ignorance of the subject.
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 10:24 am
Keep in mind no one has ever observed increase in DNA complexity. The only thing we observe Are minor The resequencing of DNA.

Much like intelligent human beings creating machines like cars with sensors, so that when the sun comes up or down the lights turn off automatically. The only reason the car is able to do that ‘narurally’ Or ‘by itself’ is because of the design and engineering.... but there are limitations. Just as we observe in creation with DNA barriers.
This is why there are no transitional fossils or transitional lifeforms like whales with legs to be physically observed.
Also why Single celled organisms cannot be Observed being created by chemical soups and ocean vents etc.
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Wed 22 Nov, 2017 10:43 am
There are two basic main flavors of false religions in the world today, i.e. I-slam and evoloserism. Rastafari is better than either of them.
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 10:46 am
Evolution is no longer being defended by anybody with brains or talent anylonger. Just what I call academic dead wood like formerman here...
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 01:36 pm
hearing that reproach from you really fills me with pride . I must be doing something right to piss your kind off.

Ive challenged you several years ago to provide all of us with examples of what the "Creation Sciences" have accomplished in this world besides coming up with snotty remarks and really lame graphics

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Wed 22 Nov, 2017 01:39 pm
It seems Rastafari is a better choice than evolutionism, haha.

Thing is I know there are many people in the world with high IQs that are Genuinely deceived by evolutionism.

Like a judge In a court case, it is not that they Necessarily havelow IQs if they make the wrong judgment(fall into deception) especially if they have been fed Nothing butmisinformation, or have had info witheld from their view right?

Deception has many different faces.
Question is how will the ‘judge’ respond when the real facts are presented?
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 01:50 pm
the above i an example of how "creationists" attempt to sound intelligent. THEY CANT
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 02:27 pm
Has bacteria ever been observed forming in random environments? Or any microscopic technology been observed doing so? No.

Has there ever been an increase observed in DNA complexity? No.

Has there ever been a whale with legs, reptiles with feathers or half human half monkey creatures observed? No.

Have dinosaurs for example, been observed eating flesh? No. (The door is wide open for creation being vegetarian originally)

Dating techniques simply rely on major assumptions to yield millions and billions of years. (The door is wide open for 6,000yr creation)

These are the ‘foundational pillars’ of evolutionism, and yet not a single shred of evidence to support such claims.

The most common argument I hear is that life Can Be Observed ‘adapting’ ....yet this observation fits a creation model of ‘biological machines with sensors’ created to adapt but not evolve.

These are some of the key reasons I no longer embrace evolutionism.

Wed 22 Nov, 2017 03:32 pm
Has there ever been an increase observed in DNA complexity?
Please explain what this even means?? Whether you make a cookie or a Gateau in a Cage, sugar is still sugar.

Has there ever been a whale with legs, (or a ) reptile with feathers ?
yes, yes there has , if you can read the fossil record.

or half human half monkey creatures observed? .
. Im not sure what "percentage" Australopithecus or Ardipithecus were "monkey" (lets say great ape instead of monkey)

dinosaurs been observed eating flesh? No. (The door is wide open for creation being vegetarian originally)

I wonder how a T rex chewed his spinach with them 4 inch dagger teeth (Do you believe that dentition sorta allows us to conclude what an animal eats today?, and do you deny that what we see today may be a clue to the past?)

"Assumptions" _ I quite agree we all use certain built -in assumptions. But with radioisotope decay dating we have very complete methods of checking their veracity.
One can see that these dates of 20K to 50 K years for triceratops dating (using C-14 -a very silly choice of dating technique in this case), have been mostly done by "doping" the specimens with shellac or some other coating and then submitted blind to the lqb.
U of Georgia;s lab, after being duped by these doctored specimens, announced that its dates were honestly done but submitted to the lqb by people who were trying to deceive

By "not embracing evolution" (from the examples you just mentioned) sounds more like you didnt understand the underlying science in the first place.
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 03:35 pm
OOPS , missed your "first example".

Archea and archeobacteria have been observed in environments in which life isnt supposed to exist and these life forms are often genetically unique to that single site.
0 Replies
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 05:43 pm
Observed DNA increases within a genome:

Whales with legs:
Evolutionists ‘see what they want to see’

Dating techniques:
....50 year old lava dated 3.9 billion years old! 😳😳😳
Dating techniques, shmating techniques!

When it comes to fossils, they are mangled, deteriorated, any open to interpretation of all sorts. Again Piltdown man, a hoax fooled ‘experts’ for decades.....they can’t tell much of anything by looking at fossils.
Keep in mind the whale leg bone article above, where evolutionists ‘see what they want to see.’ Or just like dating techniques, ‘seeing’ millions of years....

Any creature can be made into a vegetarian. If I had the power to create the universe, I could make mosquitoes drink tomato juice instead, or Trex to eat watermelons 🍉 or lions....well, here:
Keep in mind you and I use huge knives for fruits and veggies.
Weird? Abnormal? No doubt! Impossible? No.

And lastly, sure life/bacteria has been observed living in weird places, but we are talking Abiogenesis, life from non-life....zero probability like gungasnake out it.

Wed 22 Nov, 2017 08:21 pm
1DAwkins was quite young in that "cherry picked fonied up "interview"
We didnt understand fossil genes until the mid 90's Dawkins is gonna be 77 .
Its like asking Raymond Lowey why his 55 Studebaker doesnt have GPS.

2. "Whales with legs" works both ways, we can trace whale evolution from paleocene PACKYCETUS to miocene ZEUGLODON and trace the relict leg and hip structures evolving to a smaller and smaller feture. We can go backward from a mysticetes and odontocetes alive today back to zeuglodon and see the derivation.
If ya dont understnd how things are used , dont criticize what you didnt understnd
3. Snelling is a common contributor to AIG and hes been taken to task for an explanation why did anybody submit a sample of an eruption, the date of which could be seen in a news reel photo. He never answered any of the questions posed bout the rationale for the sampling and the methodologies. Hes not an idiot. He was , like steve Austen, a REAL scientist until he begqn using his training to deceive the "flock" SNELLING has often been called a Creationist Huckster. You are impressed most of us who actually do (and understand the limits) of radionuclide dating, are not. NOW,These dumass samples will reside in many dating libraries (Like the fake Triceratops and stegosaurus fossils that read out at 20K to 40K dates (not understanding that these speies were tens if millions of years separated in the stratigraphy.). Being in these libraris gives some credibility and fucks up the main stream data (These 12 samples stick out like MASSIVE outliers of values which alwys have to be discussed so everyone knows they are FAKES)
WHAT you guy lose the sight of, is that science has numerous ways of checking and cross checking, we can compare these methods to other methodological outcomes and can accept value overlaps of about

0.2% +/-

4 . There will always be fakes and frauds, mostly done for money or press and are often actual dumb mistakes (like E.D. Cope who had his"Brontosaurus head mounted on the tail of the dinosaur insted of the neck)> That was discovered in an afternoon by O.C.Marsh (Copes deadly enemy later in life). Piltdown was ultimately discovered to be a fake by geoscientists when forensic methods were mature enough to slam the door on the fake. Most Scientists hqd expressed doubt in Piltdowns veracity. All these unmasking of fakes i part of a story that hows how paleontology is often like forensic science. Theres allways something new out there

or lions
Youre easy. I wonder whether this lion, if released to the wild will last long as a croissant eater. I think he will become someone elses lunch. T rex prey (ffossils) have been found in the Hell Creek wherein the long bones show perfectly mqtched tooth patterns from a nearby fossil Trex. Sort puts a clomp on your vegriesaurus rex
Theres alway a story about deer eating meat. What you dont seem to get is that DENTITION follows function, ya will have a deuce of a time eating shrubbery if youre a T rex or a Smilodon. You have very few molqrs Youre just being (may I say) kinda idiotic and quite ignorant about anatomy . I dont believe tht you actully believe that ****. I think youre hving a private joke (like our gungqsnake who will buy anything as long as it can feed some stupid bozo hypothesis).

I must say that you seem convinced of your worldview(Id just work on some better reasoning thqn what youve been proposing)
Wed 22 Nov, 2017 08:55 pm
forgot one thing upon re reading item 3 (rqd dating). Why did he even choose U/Pb dating if he understood , as he implies,the limitations of the method.

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