Mon 2 Feb, 2004 06:58 pm
Anybody happen to be a fan? If so, you can get the episodes on the new DVD. I have it, and it is the best 15 dollars one can possibly spend.
I am a fan, sort of. I love every little bit I hear about these guys, but I still know next to nothing about them.
JB is writing a movie based on The D's quest to become the greatest band on Earth! Should be done in April of 05, it's gonna be rad...
Not really, but thanks for asking. One of these days I'll actually go out and buy the DVD.
The DVD gives tons of info, and it is funny times 10.
cool, first I'll have to buy it then I'll have to figure out how to hitch up my DVD player.
their self-titled CD is hilarious
Thanks for the tip, I need that DVD!
That makes me very happy, hopefully it will be better than Envy.
You know what?
I'll tell you.
I bought the dvd last week. Didn't really watch it yet, heard it was hilarious. Well, I did put it in but wasn't really paying attention. It's tough these days, balancing my time between watching baseball, playing playstation, ect.
Yeah I've been have the same problem. I think, "Cubs game, or girlfriend?", "MVP Baseball 2004, or girlfriend?". Luckily I got the DVD when it first came out. But from what I've gathered about you, you should enjoy it thoroughly.
MVP Baseball 2004. Greatest thing ever since the thong?
A few flaws though. A-Rod still on Rangers, Maddux isn't a Cub, nor is Ryan Dempster, Pudge isn't a Tiger and a few more. But to answer your question, they are both very good things. So usually I just play MVP Baseball 2004 in a thong and make a great thing.