Sun 5 Feb, 2012 10:45 am
I've Heard that Everything in the Universe will go extinct or die eventually. For example,mankind,the earth,Christianity,The USA,technology,pain,sorrow,life,death,the animals,this galaxy-and eventually the universe itself,will become extinct. In the final analysis,then,is there anything that is eternal in this universe except perhaps,the infinite black void? MR
Love is eternal, for he/she who love will never dia.
Impermance seems to be fundamental to everything.
What if reality was truly infinite?
What's your conception of "reality", "infinity", and "truly"?
Permanence is overrated. I'm glad there aren't Apatosaurs and T. Rexs running loose in the neighborhood.
Quote:Is Anything Permanent?
Permanent even comes in colors.
Of course, Set, you are talking about longevity as much as permanence. I think of "permanence" as an aspect of absolutism, something that NEVER ends or changes (well maybe it can undergo variations so long as it remains itself grossly).
Death is permanent, everything else is not!
Good, unless you think of death as something that does not exist. It is the absence of life, but is there anything after dying that is dead (permanently or otherwise)?
Might help keep the kids off of my grass.
Our idea of the universe will not outlive us. We have only concepts. Reality is intangible unless we understand it to
be our concepts. But more relevant to this thread, infinity is not the same as eternity.
OK, but be prepared to shovel **** on an enormous scale . . .
Quote:Impermance seems to be fundamental to everything.
Reality is what it is. Some say it is holographic, others say it's an illusion. I really haven't made up my mind. To me, everything is information. Infinity is paradoxical. And trueness just is.
You got to spell better. "Impermanence" is a concept I agree with. What I meant with my previous question was on the assumption that word meant something else. I do apologise.
Pardon the spelling. One thing we can count on: Ultimate Reality is what it is regardless of our beliefs about it. Although it is also important to realize that we live, to a large extent, according to our beliefs about Relative Reality.
Frankly, I believe we cannot even think and talk about "Ultimate Reality"; my only conviction about It is that it IS me, as well as you. It is not something to grasp cognitively (although I suspect contemporary theoretical physics disagrees); it is to experience immediately and "naively" (i.e., precognitively). All the rest, the language-grounded culturally constituted "Relative" Reality is ours to screw around with and argue about.
That is assuming that reality has types.
Since by definition your question is also impermanent, so it really doesn't matter what the answer is.
Of course we are not talking about reality per se; we are talking about our notions of reality. In that context "types" is relevant, but will we ever have an empirical experience of different
types of reality per se? Probably we can't even think about Reality, except to say, as Frank notes, that whatever it is, it IS . It seems to me that we experience that reality immediately and empirically, indeed ONLY empirically. Maybe for us it is consciousness itself (as opposed to thoughts about reality).
Pardon my rambling.
But it is only reductive to think of reality within the set of one particualr consciousness. Indeed for the observer, the consciousness of reality it percieves is only relveant to that one concsiousness but it negates others. Therefore a consciousness that is itself beyond itself may understand the all types of reality at any one time. But of course I speak of unproven things.