DAVID wrote:What does that say about U ?????
Cyracuz wrote:If a car driving past you suddenly loses control and skids towards you,
would you not feel fear at that moment?
I 'd get out of the way, or jump up on it, if possible.
(Wait for better
leisure, to start feeling emotions.)
Cyracuz wrote:If a madman started shooting random people around you in a public place,
would you not feel fear?
Something like that already
: I need not
*speculate*, but merely
remember it.
Someone shot at me; put a bullethole in my driver's side window,
about 3 inches in front of my face. I was too busy taking out my
OWN gun,

to feel any emotion,
except that I got a mild chuckle out of it.
According to Winston Churchill:
“Nothing in life is so exhilarating as to be shot at without result."
I did not feel
"exhilarated"; I just got a
little chuckle out of it,
as thay fled the scene when thay saw
MY gun come out.
( I was pleased that it is
reflective: stainless steel mirror. )
I was also pleased that I had "full glass coverage".
Cyracuz wrote:Controlling one's emotions is not about eliminating them.
Your point being
: ?????