Fri 27 Jan, 2012 10:28 am
Hello there,
I am new here, my name is Robbie Leach, I am very glad to meet you all. It is a huge forum with many exciting topics, I have a very special interest in different kinds of Hardwood flooring. I hope I can enjoy my stay and all the members will definitely cooperate with me and support me.
Thanks and regards
Robbie Leach
@Robbie Leach,
does honda make a hardwood transmission?
I support ya . . . with a boot to the head ! ! !
CAviar dreams and champagne something.
@Robbie Leach,
Yeah bruce willis is back and he is peddling hard wood flooring via a new name....
Are you any relation to Rachel from card member services that keeps calling me to reduce my credit card rates?
Imagine, somebody collects hardwood flooring. How does one display ones collection?
Quote:How does one display ones collection?
You change to a different stain color or material or both every month.
Joe(Keeps you busy for at least one weekend)Nation
I wonder if they have club meetings where members bring their timber.
"Wow, Ed, that is one fine piece of Appalachian Butterwood!"
"Thanks, Bert, is that a whole plank of Scarlet Ironpine I see on your table?"
"Yes, it is, Ed, and if you want to trade some, I'll swap evensteven boardfoot for boardfoot."
"That sounds like my kind of deal. Your saw or mine?"
Joe(and I'll throw in some of mahogany toothpicks you like.)Nation
@Joe Nation,
Welcome to A2K , Robbie Leach.
Apart from hardwood flooring, what are your other interests?
We used to keep sample bricks for our clients... along the plank on a 2 x 4 support in front of our stretch of bookshelves. Well, bricks, and the odd slate tile and whatsits. Me, I like Malibu tile.
Welcome to the community.