I think I already welcomed you on another thread, but welcome again!
What can you expect to find? Vitriolic and vituperative verbiage on the one hand and some calm and reasoned discourse on the other. Relentless ranting on a poster's pet peeve (whatever it happens to be) by some and the occasional
bon mot and some clever repartee by others. In other words, what you find on any social networking site these days.
This tends to be an older crowd, compared to the typical online demographic of the internet these days. You won't find many teeny-boppers. They tend to disappear after a few posts; too boring for them. Besides, people tend to write complete sentences here and call you on it if you start "texting." That's too much like work.
Just stay off the grass, don't feed the pigeons, observe the 'no smoking' sign when it's lit and you'll have a hell of a good time here.