A really good friend of mine married a Mexican. His brothers can't understand why he came to Canada, they live in Texas. He loves it here. I went to his citizenship ceremony a few years ago.
I remember all the kerfuffle over the refugees from Mexico. Some of them, I believe, were genuine. A few journalists and so on were found to be in danger upon return from the drug cartels. As is always the case, there will be fraud. It would have probably have been in their favour if they had just gone through the regular channels as opposed to trying for refugee status. It's hard to prove hardship if you're wealthy. Every year, many Americans try the same game - think Randy Quaid.
When I was in Mexico a few years ago, I went to a fancy shmancy wedding in Cuernavaca (I hope I spelled that right). I was surprised how many people told me they or their children were educated up here. Mind you, there were mostly in Montreal or Toronto, not in the flat lands where I live.
I hope the Visa thing tanks here as well. I think the disparity of Canadians travelling to Mexico is probably the reason we don't need visas. I was told once, and it's probably true, that Visas are mostly tit-for-tat. A shame really.
I do know that many of the tourism/hospitality students want/need to spend a semester up here, for work experience towards their degree. I remember a girl who I worked with in the Okanagan, she was surprised at the number of flowers she saw up here. She, of course, like so many people in this world, thought it would be cold 24/7. Ironically, when I have visited Mexico, I was surprised at how few flowers I saw. I expected the country to be in non-stop bloom. Goes to show that we can all learn a lot from each other.