Tue 27 Dec, 2011 08:42 am
I decided to start this obligatory discussion . . .
My resolution will be to NOT see everything as a problem.
Sleepless nights are from my thinking of things as issues to be solved. i.e. what is my nephew going to do now? I don't like my daughter's boyfriend; what if my grandson gets in a car wreck, etc. etc.
I am going to try to shut out things as something to be resolved by me.
Wish me luck. Usually my resolution is to take care of my nails and not swear so much. I could never keep those two.
What's yours?
To stop waiting for BBB to become strong enough to help take care of me after a couple surgeries I need and just go ahead and get it done. I'll figure out resources for the recovery help as needed.
I would like to learn a new language. I haven't decided which language that will be, but the candidates are Russian, Portuguese, and Arabic.
Good luck to all of you. I don't make New Year's resolutions due to the fact that I made a resolution a number of years ago never to make New Year's resolutions. I'm trying hard to keep that one.
I made a New Years Resolution never to smoke and I’ve kept it.
The same resolution as last time ....
To be on time (for everything!) next year.
the same as always
more picnics!
(thanks to piffka as well as peace and love for the inspiration)
Quote:I made a New Years Resolution never to smoke and I’ve kept it.
Congrats. One of last year's resolutions was to quit coffee, and I'm happy to report that I've been clean since January.
many years ago i made a new year's resolution never to read " war and peace " - and i have not broken it !
( stolen from andy rooney who made that resolution even earlier )
My resolution for this coming New Year is to stop being so sarcastic and condenscending to morons.
I'm hoping I can make it a full week