I know I don't always articulate my thoughts in a manner that fully shares my thoughts but come on here!!!!
Frank Apisa wrote:But then that would not be rape. We are discussing rape!
And so was I!!!!!!! It DOES happen in some cases that the victim is beaten AND raped, as in the aforementioned case that started this thread.
Frank Apisa wrote:It truly doesn't, Caprice -- because the response you gave above, as I mentioned earlier, really eliminated rape.
My response didn't eliminate rape. If you read my first post in this subject, I said there are those "who think rape is some sort of lust-filled act and not one of terror, control and humiliation of the victim."
Yes there is a sexual component in violent rape. I said that already. But if you honestly believe that sex is the primary motivator for this type of rape, why doesn't the guy go out and get a hooker? The sexual act is PART of rape but not THE motivating aspect. I feel like a broken record here. He gains sexual excitement from the power he gains over his victim. That excitement enables him to violate the victim sexually.
Craven, you're taking my comments one sentence at a time and out of context. WHERE did I say the two were mutually exclusive? I'm saying that sex is NOT the primary motivation.
Craven de Kere wrote:Sexual acts with unattractive people happen all the time. One's unattractiveness has nothing to do with teh possibility of the act.
This does not even address the vastly differing tastes."
PLEASE tell me you don't mean that a rapist selects his victim on his particular tastes?! I hope I'm completely wrong on that assumption, because if I'm not, then no further discussion with you is needed on this topic.
Frank Apisa wrote:Well....neither Craven nor I have suggested it is the "sexual act in and of itself" that motivates the rapist
You did make the comment that "Sex is a motivator -- although control, domination, and plain violence are huge ingredients." I took that to mean the latter are huge ingredients in the rape act. Not as ingredients in the motivator.
As my final comment, let me provide a quote for you from a web site at Yale University. Surely all of you can agree that Yale is not a mickey mouse institution and that scholarly thoughts from Yale, while open to debate, could be considered reputable.
Quote:One commonly believed myth is that rape is primarily a sexual act. Persons with this belief often unintentionally place the victim on trial.
Sexual desire is less a motivation for the man than violent aggression.
The source of the quote can be found at the following link:
The Psychology of Rape and the Rapist