Sat 24 Dec, 2011 09:08 am
I have not been far from Houston, since the time I visited dys, and then on to Vegas. We are about to embark on a 3 - 4 hour journey to the far land that is known as Austin, Texas. My oldest daughter, two grand kids and son in law are waiting. We plan to come home tomorrow afternoon. In fact, the route takes us slightly north of the city. So, we ought to avoid the heavier traffic. Merry Christmas to all. Hope yours is as happy as mine.
Have a safe and fleetful journey Edgar! Merry Christmas!
We need some more seasonally appropriate emoticons!
The wonder of the season?
The curse of the credit card?

Have a wonderful and safet trip Mr. EB.
Set and I and the dogs will go to spend some time with hamburgboy on Boxing Day. He still lives in my hometown, about 3 hours east of here. Should be a pleasant drive out there (hopefully the shoppers won't be out on the highways).
I have to drive 40 minutes over the bridge to Tampa in the same car with Morgan. He will want to stop at least five times before we get there, wanna trade?
Merry Christmas, eb and Mrs eb.
Safe travels and best wishes for a wonderful visit with your family.
Drive carefully. The snow storm we had in ABQ is supposed to hit your area on Christmas.
I guess you're on the road now, edgar.
Wishing you safe & happy traveling.
Only a twenty minute drive to Christmas dinner with my beautiful goddaughter and her family. Merry Christmas to all.
I hope you had safe driving and a Merry Xmas, Edgar.
And best of the best to all A2K-ers here.
Your good wishes all are duly noted and muchly appreciated. We arrived home just over two hours ago. Rested a bit and had sandwiches for christmas lunch.
We arrived there after about four hours. Oddly, the trip home was much faster and required less gasoline. I can only figure that the trip out required more uphill progress than going home.
The grand kids were wonderful. The older of the two is in the tenth grade and bigger than me. He is a personable, easygoing person. Doesn't appear to have a mean bone in his body. Grandson the younger is 8 months. He crawls about like GI Joe and gets in everything. A mellow kid, he loves his noise toys and trying to snatch away grandpa's glasses.
My daughter has laryngitis. She has a nice job and does well. She and her husband are gracious hosts, who fed us well. We had a great time, visiting and such.
Also present were my son in law's mother and her dog, along with my daughter's two Yorkies.
The odd part of it all - we gave gift cards and received gift cards. How silly is that?
We left early, because I need to be rested up for my job.
Happy Christmas, EdgarB.
My own observations on my trips show me that trips home are always (or near so) faster, at least in perception.
Mine was shorter by almost an hour.
Not that yours was, but I think some trips are psychologically shorter. Naturally, permutations of traffic have an effect.
But I know what you mean. A trip always seems shorter on the return, for me also.
glad you're home safely, ed...
Thank you, rock. The weather was misty there and back. I constantly worried heavy rain would start. All in all, an uneventful bit of travel and worth it to see these people.
Glad you made it there & back safely, too, edgar.
Greeting of the season to you, Mrs B & Punky the dog. (I hope I got his name right!)