Well I didn't mean to cause that! ;P
Weren't the best stories the made up ones? "Once upon a time"

Hence why I started my post in that fashion.
I never read the enchanted book, to be honest I was always and still am a visual person, practical, not theory. I mainly took up books later in life and mainly to do with True Crime. Fascinated with the way a mind works, why people do what they do, where it stems from, Murders, Hauntings, don't start me on witchy stuff.
I heard of Enid Blyton, don't recall that book but I am sure I've read one of hers as a child.
Thunderstorms Cherrie, OMG, was telling Von yesterday how my dogs coped or didn't in the morning. I love the sound of it and the lightening, Kia (Diabetic Husky) is always very frightened and has to be right by me. Rawaii's first ever time hearing thunder. He was passive, quiet, sat next to her but then refused to move, eat, or well move. I was worried as I thought he had an upset stomach and was ill.. Once daylight came on and I edged him to play, he was his normal self and ate. Phew.
Still fires over there?
My friend Flicka - I think most read that they made a Movie out that I believe and Black Beauty, so sad and Red the Dog, did anyone see that?
Us animal lovers
Winnie the Poo bahahaha.. Little kids favourite still to today I reckon.
Oil cloth? Apparently yep, they still do. I have a passion for pretty designs, gardens and things, found a couple Osso and they actually also make them in Australia
I am an arty farty type person I suspect that I'll pick that up later in life as a hobby, for now it's what ever I find and take to the shop.
How proud you must be/ must have been that your Dad had a short poem published Osso. I had my photo a few times in the local rag that's about It, out and about or when Managing Restaurants, I have one somewhere I should take a photo of for fun and post it, I organised a Gangster and Mole function for regulars with cocktails and cocktail food, it was awesome, I think I was about 24 lols.
Sports well that will be up Danny and Sturgis Alley
Speaking of WITCH.
The Witch visited DANNY AND ANNA yesterday.
Took in a nice Apple slice complete with sugar on top but the BOSS wants Apple DANISH next time, as previous, got to love that he still thinks he's the Boss
So wonderful to see him and Anna. Always in our thoughts young man, always.. So loved by so many hope you enjoyed watching the elections last night lordy, yuck
Sturgissssssssssssssssss / stop going a wall you make us worry naturally I didn't want to ask you as a Man what story book you read

Nor Dutchy
But, we miss you.
Glitter where are you? And, it was great to see Spades hey Von, if only he knew how many times we've included his name on First Word and for how many months sheez ....
Have a day off today WHOO HOO what to do, what to do, D is home one day a week I get that's it, might as well be Divorced right? Just kidding.
Looking for some nice weather so I can plant a few more herbs/veg and plants then I shall be happy, I love nothing more than to watch things grow and the colour just getting that WOW feeling.
Was there ever a "kids" film that scared the dickens out of you? But was meant to be "ok" to watch?
I bet there were be interesting to see if any of us matched with that as well