First Word -

Reply Mon 10 Mar, 2014 03:18 pm

A form of animal fat, similar to lard, but usually sold in shredded form. Suet is the solid white fat found around the kidneys and loins of beef, sheep and other animals. A vegetable version is now commonly available, made from an oil such as palm oil & usually combined with rice flour, which can be directly substituted for the animal fat version in recipes.

Beef Suet is, well, it's hard beef fat, basically.
Reply Mon 10 Mar, 2014 03:22 pm

Something new every day Smile Everything has fat huh Smile

Thanks mam.

Only had enough insulin for 1/2 of what I need for Ms Kia, this morning, didn't realise it was that low. So she had half a meal until I wonder down to the Vets in a minute and get some more.. Ahhh must concentrate more.
Reply Fri 14 Mar, 2014 03:24 pm
Once upon a time ladies, I said ladies, when we started our "story books" Smile

Once upon a time...............there was this prince.


But then one day we looked at him and ?


How many times do you recall hearing that? Smile

Then the wicked witches we met



Just thinking back to what my favourite story was as a kid... I think it was Snow white then Repunzel



Why the heck would the horse pull him away from such a beauty?

Ahh I got the answer to how come I am a white witch !


Though I never looked like her Smile

Silly mood.

What was your favourite story book? Gotta think of something and this was it, kill me later.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 03:23 am
I loved anything written by Enid Blyton. The Enchanted Wood was my favourite book and I still have it. It's a bit battered and worn out, but it was well-loved. My 8 year old grand-daughter has started reading her books now, so I guess some things never go out of favour completely.

How is everybody? It seems to have been a bit quiet here lately.

We are in the middle of a thunderstorm at the moment and it's turned pretty cold. At least the worst of the heat seems to have finished finally, though there are still a few fires burning around the state.
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 08:25 am

I had a lot of favourite books as a child. I was a voracious reader and devoured books with a passion! The first favourite I remember was The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Then there were the Famous Five books by Enid Blyton, followed by just about any 'horsey' book - My Friend Flicka, Thunderhead, The Green Grass of Wyoming, and Black Beauty being top favourites. Oh, and books like Little Women, Good Wives, Jo's Boys, plus Heidi, and What Katy Did - gosh, I'd almost forgotten their names until these posts made me search my memory!


Strange to think of your weather turning autumnal when we've just entered spring. Not that our weather is consistent from year to year - twelve months ago we had snow and freezing temperatures, today we have glorious sunshine and it's 59 degrees Centigrade - unusually high for mid-March. Thank goodness we never have to worry about bushfires - sad to think you still have some burning around the state. We are still reeling from the long winter of floods, there are still a lot of properties under flood water.


But Britain has been enjoying some lovely sunshine thanks to a surprise spring heatwave. The country's been basking in dry weather - had a couple of foggy mornings over the last day or two, but it soon burnt off. It's been England's first rain-free week after the wettest winter on record swamped swathes of low-lying land and battered our coastlines.




Good to see you across here Cherrie - I hope we'll see you more often now that you aren't quite so busy doing voluntary work. Quite a few missing 'lambs' we need to round up! Sturgis, Glitterbag, Bill, and of course our darling Dutchy. I'm sure he's reading this - HURRY BACK, DANNY, WE MISS YOU! Plus Spades - so pleased to see you post under another name, Spades - hope you'll find your way back to First Word before much longer - we've missed you lots.


0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 10:08 am

Because you've both been posting recently, I didn't include you in the roundup of missing lambs! But you haven't been forgotten!!! Laughing

Ossobuco, I always think of three things in connection with you - good food, art and Italy - and now I shall add Breaking Bad - can't help thinking of you every time I watch an episode!


And you Foundy - how could anyone forget you Laughing I always associate you with witches, dogs and kind deeds (not sure where I can find a photograph of the latter!) Laughing


0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 11:32 am

Well, Vonny, that looks like my front and back yard in that photo, except that my place is exceedingly small.

On childhood books, I read a bunch, but not, I think, as many as others here. I don't remember much in the way of toddler books. The main one that comes to mind is a thin book printed on oilcloth, lest the toddler get it wet somehow. Oilcloth was popular in the U.S. back in the day, used for tablecloths, for example. I wonder if it still exists.

Somewhere along the line I read The Tall Book of Mother Goose. But, in those early days, I mostly remember my mother telling me stories she made up. Later on, there were Black Beauty (cried), My Friend Flicka, Old Yeller, some book about an irish setter by a fellow named something Terhune; Heidi (I didn't like it), Little Women; graduated to reading series - the Nancy Drew mysteries, The Black Stallion series. But along in there, I started looking at and reading magazines. In our house, we took the Saturday Evening Post (my father had a short poem published in it once, back in the '20's), Life, sometimes Collier's, Newsweek at some point, the New Yorker (I didn't understand some of the cartoons. Gradually started reading articles). In school, we were assigned reports to be done about books in the elementary school library, leading me to read a batch of american history books written for young students. So, things started to balance out re fiction and non-fiction (however true). I settled into becoming a lifetime reading addict.

In high school, I was then allowed into the adult section of the Santa Monica public library, where I went crazy taking out five books at a time, whatever struck my fancy. Much of that, for a while, was about the history of medicine, and slightly later I became a sports nut, reading books like Sports Stories of 1948, and reading the newspaper sports section (me and liking horses again, and later football). By then I was also reading Seventeen magazine, and later, Glamour.

We lived at my aunt's for a while when we moved back to California. So I read the books in her house. A lot of Dickens, and a lot of westerns that my uncle had amassed before he died.

I still like sports, not so much for the technical aspects or the varied plays teams plot to win games, but for the stories of the players. That all started with that series of Sports Stories of a lot of years, mostly written a decade or two before I was reading those books.

What's left of all that? My brain is jammed with impressions - visual from my imagining scenes I was reading, and considerations of things people were saying - fiction or non. All now kind of a brain mishmash, sort of word and picture soup. Photography comes into it, as I've alway, forever, liked photographs, now part of the brain mash.
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 03:34 pm

Well I didn't mean to cause that! ;P

Weren't the best stories the made up ones? "Once upon a time" Wink Hence why I started my post in that fashion.

I never read the enchanted book, to be honest I was always and still am a visual person, practical, not theory. I mainly took up books later in life and mainly to do with True Crime. Fascinated with the way a mind works, why people do what they do, where it stems from, Murders, Hauntings, don't start me on witchy stuff.

I heard of Enid Blyton, don't recall that book but I am sure I've read one of hers as a child.

Thunderstorms Cherrie, OMG, was telling Von yesterday how my dogs coped or didn't in the morning. I love the sound of it and the lightening, Kia (Diabetic Husky) is always very frightened and has to be right by me. Rawaii's first ever time hearing thunder. He was passive, quiet, sat next to her but then refused to move, eat, or well move. I was worried as I thought he had an upset stomach and was ill.. Once daylight came on and I edged him to play, he was his normal self and ate. Phew.

Still fires over there?

My friend Flicka - I think most read that they made a Movie out that I believe and Black Beauty, so sad and Red the Dog, did anyone see that?

Us animal lovers Smile

Winnie the Poo bahahaha.. Little kids favourite still to today I reckon.

Oil cloth? Apparently yep, they still do. I have a passion for pretty designs, gardens and things, found a couple Osso and they actually also make them in Australia Smile


I am an arty farty type person I suspect that I'll pick that up later in life as a hobby, for now it's what ever I find and take to the shop.

How proud you must be/ must have been that your Dad had a short poem published Osso. I had my photo a few times in the local rag that's about It, out and about or when Managing Restaurants, I have one somewhere I should take a photo of for fun and post it, I organised a Gangster and Mole function for regulars with cocktails and cocktail food, it was awesome, I think I was about 24 lols.

Sports well that will be up Danny and Sturgis Alley Smile

Speaking of WITCH.

The Witch visited DANNY AND ANNA yesterday.

Took in a nice Apple slice complete with sugar on top but the BOSS wants Apple DANISH next time, as previous, got to love that he still thinks he's the Boss Smile

So wonderful to see him and Anna. Always in our thoughts young man, always.. So loved by so many hope you enjoyed watching the elections last night lordy, yuck Smile

Sturgissssssssssssssssss / stop going a wall you make us worry naturally I didn't want to ask you as a Man what story book you read Smile Nor Dutchy Smile

But, we miss you.

Glitter where are you? And, it was great to see Spades hey Von, if only he knew how many times we've included his name on First Word and for how many months sheez ....

Have a day off today WHOO HOO what to do, what to do, D is home one day a week I get that's it, might as well be Divorced right? Just kidding.

Looking for some nice weather so I can plant a few more herbs/veg and plants then I shall be happy, I love nothing more than to watch things grow and the colour just getting that WOW feeling.

Was there ever a "kids" film that scared the dickens out of you? But was meant to be "ok" to watch?

I bet there were be interesting to see if any of us matched with that as well Smile
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 03:49 pm
We have a lot of similarities, Foundy. I'm primarily visual-minded. Long time garden designer, pretty much all of that fun. Started art classes in early seventies at a university extension. Beginning drawing (drawing less popular now, but it made me so engaged in learning to see, and so did all the landscape architecture classes; I didn't start studying land arch until I was 40), all the way through taking advanced painting six times, those all night classes. A complete pleasure. You'd start out tired after work, not exactly all happy to drag a huge canvas to class after finding a place to park, and then, and then, the fun began. On those nights I had trouble sleeping, I was so awake after so much fun. Oh, and don't let large canvases deter you - some prefer smaller, and not just for money reasons.

Oh, and I'd like to have a shop like yours. And so on.

One of the reasons I like a2k - we are all different but also have similarities.
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 03:50 pm
Bambi got to me.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 04:55 pm
Vonny, 59 centigrade? Yep, that's a bit hot for any time of the year Laughing

I also loved Little Women and Jo's Boys. One book that I never liked and still don't is Alice In Wonderland. I don't know why but it just never appealed to me.
Black Beauty made me cry too. I've still got my copy of that too, actually I still have a few of my childhood books.

Volunteering work never ends Vonny. I've been putting my hand up to go to the staging area for the Hazlewood Mine fire, but my availability and their need for people just isn't matching up.

Yes Foundy, we still have large bushfires in the east of the state, and the open cut coal mine fire at Hazlewood, which is a bit closer to home.

Reply Sat 15 Mar, 2014 11:09 pm
I still haven't read any thing about wizard of oz (in contrast to many, I'm not interested in wizards or spirits) or at all re Alice in Wonderland, whence I gave up just starting reading about it, bored. Maybe or maybe not this is because I was heavily inculcated as a child in matters like Our Lady of Fatima. Movie about it, my father edited. But, not him, it was my mother, set in her hopes, and sending the little money we had to missions to Father La Salle c/o Formosa.

(we are all very different, much as we can agree)

We are different, some of us.
Missionaries dined at our house. Those were some of our main dinners. Father Patrick Peyton said the rosary (The Family Rosary Crusade) at my father's pre funeral. My mother sent checks - oh, never mind.

Let's say I am your example of anti-this and that.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Mar, 2014 03:22 pm
WOW Cherrie,

Just googled those fires in Hazelwood Mines. Fire fighters ill from volunteering.
Nineteen firefighters have been hospitalised after falling ill or becoming concerned about elevated carbon monoxide levels while at the three-kilometre fire roaring through an open-cut coal mine at the Hazelwood Power Station.

Read more: http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/firefighters-falling-ill-at-coal-mine-fire-20140216-32u0r.html#ixzz2wAARF9dg

Scary stuff for you to be involved in Cherrie, this sounds very, very dangerous.

I've linked for the others. Be safe.
Reply Sun 16 Mar, 2014 03:26 pm

We do in-deed there Osso. Though I couldn't really tell you what flower was what in a lot of instances, off course there are a lot that I do know. When D and I moved into this house, the previous owner planted some amazing and unusual trees and plants. Watching the different colours seasonal that we never expected was awesome on the first year.

David also is a great artist, so is his/ our now / daughter she's actually extremely talented. We wanted an art room, I guess that will have to wait a few years this house is too small, though we do have actually a small family room that is never used.. Mmmm my mind is thinking now Wink Do you still pick up a canvas Oss?

I'd like my shop to be where there is foot traffic : )But, then that would cost a lottttt more in rent, so it is what it is.

We are all different but we all seem to jelly on in together some how : )

Reply Sun 16 Mar, 2014 03:49 pm
Did I really say that! Funny Laughing

There was something about the characters in Alice in Wonderland that made me dislike the book - they were always being aggressive or abusive to Alice - and as a child that disturbed me.

The book that upset me most was probably Black Beauty - gosh, I cried buckets over that horse. Bambi too - the forest fire gave me nightmares.

Racing for time this evening - entertained friends today so didn't log on until late. Must reply to the rest later. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Mar, 2014 03:59 pm

Soo, today for us is the 17th March, yeah I know we are up-side down but not fruit cakes Smile

For the Irish and yes, we are Irish, well 3 generations ago as well as Swedish, throw a touch of Spanish in there somewhere and off course everyone seems to come from England.

It is ST PATRICKS DAY - Green ey Irish.

It's also my Mother's Birthday.
It's also my Brother's Birthday.

Funny thing is, my nephew is born on my Grandmother's Birthday as well, My Father 4th June and I was a rebel, typically and came out on the 19th of June, planned? None of it....



I hear you love St Patricks Day, Irish Soda Bread, the marches, colours and stuff.

Thank you for your email. I was worried about you and I guess I had good reason.

Darling Man. Sturgis has been quite ill though he's not complaining in fact he stated that he is positive, will remain positive and he learnt that from the BOSS, with all that Danny has been through.. Well, Sturgis, you also are not wonder"man" Smile And, we care. x

So when you feel up to it, get your butt back here, slowly does it. Temperatures over 100 is not good, blood clots are definitely NOT GOOD, please, please, ensure you continue to call the Doctors with even a wince of concern, I do believe you live alone but can call people close by, I wish I was close by, I'd be there with some meals, Irish ones?

SENDING BIG ((((HUGS)))) and to Glitter too as she wasn't well of late and also has gone a-wall.

Here ya go Sturgis


(giggles couldn't help myself) Wink


And, some Irish Soda Bread!


Here's to better health to ya, Sturgis !


Happy St Pats Day ya all.

DUTCHY - Thinking of you as always much love.

And, Love and Hugs and STUFF to all.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Mar, 2014 04:39 pm

I do, but I need to get some new solvents. (always money)

I've painted everywhere - dining room, out by the back door, turned a breakfast nook into a small art studio.. and sometimes outdoors.

Just read the Sturgis news - hugs from here, Sturge.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Mar, 2014 07:12 pm
I'll be back, case of food poisoning. Knocked me on my butt. Back later.
Reply Mon 17 Mar, 2014 03:16 pm

Okay that was from out of nowhere except of course that it wasn't. Needless to say it's a handmade candy shop a moderate walk from my apartment. Not so much that I am enamored of their selections, some are nice, some don't work for me. Tastes are good however the appearance of many reminds me of those gosh awful strange striped candies which we were tortured and tormented with as children. To this day I have no idea if they were real candy or alien intelligence gathering devices.

No, it's better to go closer and check out the various licorices at Sockerbit.

Having disposed of the idle chit-chat, it's time to get down to the basics. The doctor called and gave the results. Left leg is good regarding the clot, there isn't one! Finally a good piece of news. The right leg needs more testing, there is a clot, now they want more tests. The left leg is still tender and swollen but down significantly from pre-weekend. Possibly cellulitis (spellcheck please!), an antibiotic has been prescribed (thank goodness for Part D prescription coverage and the 'Extra Help' thing from the state.)
If there is no change by Friday, I am to call. That was followed by instructions to call no matter what it is doing on Friday, sooner and preferably from a hospital if it appears to be worsening.

St.Patrick's Day, as always brings a sense of cheer. Not always sure why. 5 years ago today they pulled the tube from my nose on this day and I thanked the leprechauns who I knew were responsible. It was the start of what is proving to be a longer journey than I'd expected. (well, technically the journey started in the last days of 2005 and was just reaching a peak in 2009).

A helicopter has been flying around for the past half hour, it would be soothing if it didn't keep moving closer. Usually at this time of day it means some sort of traffic mess. No sirens so no worry.

At any rate, I'm in a moderate to decent place right now, just wanted to check in and let you sweethearts know I'm still alive and itching...I mean kicking. Been eating although not enough, cut back some on the bad foods, trying to control the licorice binges. Weather has been starting the warming trend, warms a day or two, then cools, then warms up again. Spring is definitely trying to break in. I can hardly wait, need to get back to sleeping with the window open and hearing the birds chirping as dawn arrives.

So, that's it for now, hope all of you are behaving, and that the case of food poisoning was not too severe for glitterbag and that it's been knocked out by this writing/reading. A lot to say, want to respond to every post in this thread but realize that would result in my falling asleep on the keyboard as I am still slightly weary.

Back later...
Reply Mon 17 Mar, 2014 03:44 pm

Left leg is good regarding the clot, there isn't one!

The right leg needs more testing, there is a clot, now they want more tests.
Sad BUT, pleased that you have to call Friday regardless, regardless whilst waiting for those tests.

2005 - 2014 Gahhh. Well, they are trying to work it out and I guess that's a good thing and so happy that the left leg is good, I mean lefties are perfect people, I should know I am left handed Mr. Green

Eweeee I know what you mean, those candy sticks tasted foul to say the least, maybe they were aliens trying to trick us into eating the lot so they could then try to take over our brain or something. Now I sound like a troll.

You do realise I have a sense of humor? I mean you relate green with a nose? Wink hehe.

Now I would like to know as Easter is approaching how many of us go and buy the cheap crap chocolate and how many by the more expensive ones for gifts, does it matter, isn't a gift exactly that?

Do you buy any for yourself ? Wink

1/2 Full = half good, now lets work on the other half Sturgis Smile x

Hope Ms Glitter is feeling better, Cherrie is not amongst the mine fires, well I do, sorry, so many sick from that.

Osso is painting somewhere, Von is creating somewhere, Sturgis EATS MORE and our Darling Danny, hoping he slept well last night and is decent spirits today...

As for me, work soon gahhhhh...

Apparently when stressed I toss and turn all night and then talk in my sleep luckily not about other men Smile
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