Good morning cherrie

The sun isn't shining here "yet" I believe though by tomorrow we get some fair weather again.. Hasn't it been cold.
We had a lovely night. We went to Willunga which is about 15 or so minutes from here. Superb Restaurant there known for it's dedication to food and slow cooking and aging. The poor waitresses had worked until 6.15 from lunch and kept going for dinner but the best service ever. You felt like everyone was waiting on you and not just us off course, all the tables. A few humorous comments and just superb food and service, oh and wine.
Cherrie, I was engaged at 25 to a Chef like that

Mind you I spent 17 years Managing Restaurants before Real Estate or other ventures I entered into, so it was inevitable. D laughs when I cut potatoes, a standard joke " you don't cut them that way"... Which is what my ex fiancé used to do... D is perfect, I'm a cook he's a Chef. If he wants to dabble, I stay out of it, visa versa so we mix very well in the kitchen, or we do things together. Trust me, otherwise, I'd be out of here
I've seen our seas rise high, beautiful to look at, yet scary, we've never had anything major really for years, I can't imagine how England, Scotland etc are coping with all of this... I often wonder honestly, as beautiful as it is to look at, if I would really want to live by the sea.
Procrastinating today, not sure if I should take the whole day off or do "some" work...