First Word -

Reply Tue 29 Oct, 2013 04:31 pm
I think you ought to try flying around on a vacuum cleaner first


PFTTTT That's for babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Oct, 2013 04:36 pm

I am not one to ride those convoluted items besides which I'm complete regular mortal with no idea how those things work. Me, I'll stick with trains, cars and a boat or a bus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Oct, 2013 04:39 pm

So, you are saying that Ralph and Dutchy are alike? Ralph is terribly over weight and you know how Dutchy is proud of his tall, (once dark) , (once) I mean handsome stance...


I am curious, what would those three wishes be? Stop eating cereal for dinner by the way Wink


How thoughtful of you, my bad, never said a word, read about it on Yabber but yes, glad Von you are safe...

I leave King Dutchy in charge of whatever he wants.

Here we go, another male thinking he can take control of 3 beautiful women, not happening Sturgis.....

The beauty of witches, is that we can turn your old broom into a reasonably new one, in actually, not much time at all Wink

BITE that one

Reply Tue 29 Oct, 2013 04:47 pm

So in return for my lovely gift of a recyclable broom you want me to bit it and hurt my teeth? That doesn't seem particularly nice or caring about my dental work.
Anyway the cereal was not dinner! It was just something to nibble on as I read things on the internet before heading off to sleep.

Regarding the video, I was refering to the statement made by Ralph, I in no way said Dutchy looks like him. Stop trying to place words in my mouth to get Dutchy to see me as the bad guy. Hmph!

Just for that, I'm going to go and torture myself by watching Jeopardy.

Back later...

Reply Tue 29 Oct, 2013 04:52 pm


Oh dear, you are a witty one (hugs)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 05:18 am

Just watched your video clip - to the end! He rather shot himself in the foot, didn't he? Richard the Lionheart - oh yeah, turned out to be Richard the Chickenheart - typical man! So that's what Dutchy's like, eh Sturgis? Thanks for letting us know!!! Laughing Rolling Eyes Cool

Defending Dutchy? I wouldn't bother - he's invincible - didn't you know that? Plus the fact that he now has a new little Dolly-bird here - a gun-toting golden blonde who will guard his back against Foundy and myself! Hey ho, here we go again! Ah well, as long as the sparring stays in the harmless fun category - comprenez-vous? Laughing

Power has been down in a lot of places locally - we were lucky, it hasn't affected us. Just a few flickers last evening. One neighbour had a very lucky escape - wow, a huge oak fell on their property, it missed their house by a narrow margin! Your Hurricane Sandy was a frightening affair - we had a lot of coverage on television news, but it wasn't until I joined A2K that I was directed to some American news footage that gave the whole picture of what you'd suffered - terrible - but you all coped admirably. Cool

Stugis - what on earth was a broomstick, broken crutch and the handle from a vacuum cleaner doing under your bed? Plus crumbs from your breakfast cereal? Tut tut - we'll have to jet over and give your place a good going over - mmm hope your beard is neatly trimmed, might inspect that too! Laughing

Seriously though, dear Sturgis, how are your legs now? I do hope the pain has lessened, and the infection is going or gone. Really would like to magic some pain relief across to you when it gets bad. Crying or Very sad



Daisy Ryder
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 11:16 am

I prefer to ride a Falkor. Lucky dragon from the never ending story.


Reminds me of the white deer in New York. 
They're a conspiracy ...



So, I went to visit my friend on their deer farm. The guys wife is in the same line of work as Foundy, she got a kick out of the story with the renter climbing two stories and Foundys discovery of a naked man in sheets. 
I took some pictures of their deer. And listened to some stories about their past pet deer. One specifically, was named BuckShot. He was like a dog, watched TV with them in the living room.
... This isn't him but, I think it would have looked like this.


Audrey Hepburn had a pet deer ... Named, Pippin. (:


Anyway. Here are some pictures of the white tail deer that I took yesterday.
... Wanted to share with you guyz/galz.




While I'm on the subject of deer... I'd like to add that I am quite taken by them. Fascinated. Like many animals, they aren't the brightest. But, they are very special. Even more so, it's the only animal that I know of, besides a pig, that one can have such a tender/caring relationship with and also consume/eat it's relatives. Here are some more interesting deer-like creatures that are beautiful. (at least, I think they are beautiful.)

This is a ProngHorn Buck Deer. ....very majestic.


... A Thomsons Gazelle.


The Black Buck Antelope.


An Impala deer. I forget what the name of the bird is. But, it hangs around to eat bugs off the animal and keep it clean. Isn't it cool how nature works together?


Beira Antelope. Now, there's an interesting creature. So graceful looking. 
What about those ears!? (;


As for playful banter and Mr. king of his castle. 
I know it's all fun and games. Very Happy I was playing along too! (; 
Another saying I'm fond of, "Always root for the under-dog".
Vonny and Foundy vs. Sturgis and Dutchy. I'm just watching, like Kel said.
It's a lot of fun. Neighbors, friends ... We could learn from the deer.


Take care y'all.
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 11:30 am
@Daisy Ryder,
Lovely series of photographs Sunshine, didn't know they make good pets, loved the one laying in the lounge watching TV.

They don't roam in the wild here but there is a large Estate north of the City here where they are kept in captivity but are free to roam around.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 02:50 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

There is something special about the wildlife. The same species ie) Deer/Birds, yet they are all so different, some plain, some striking, some so bright in colour. Loved the photos Sunshine, some I have never seen before, just beautiful.

As for the one sitting watching TV? Are those dead antlers next to him, all around him? Goodness, what is that man thinking? Wink

Ah, a fellow Real Estate person, she must share some stories with you and pass them this way, be interesting right across the world and the difference, if there is a difference Wink

I thought for sure Dutchy called you (PM) for back-up Wink He knows he has his hands full with two of us, hey Dutchy!!!

Nothing wrong with supporting the under-dog, I always did in school, got me into serious trouble as well, but someone has to... Smile See Dutchy she secretly wanted to stand next to me and Von bahahahahaha...

Von, you should see some of the signs I'm seeing on facebook at the moment OMG if I posted them here you would all shut your eyes Wink

Though also a Halloween Costume, of a woman naked, totally, with utters everywhere on her body and ears, and false nose and what was she thinking?

Pigs are highly intelligent - as a child, I always wanted a pet monkey and/ not or/ a pet small wild cat...




Here's your new broom Sturgis, you can say thank you Smile


Pretty cool HOT POTS ! for you Von;)


A deer bracelet for you Sunshine Smile


For your garden Dutchy Wink


Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 04:13 pm

Don't worry, Foundy, most male deer cast their antlers annually - we have five species of deer in this country who produce them, the Roe , Fallow, Red , Sika and Muntjac. No pain or death involved, you'll be relieved to know. Rolling Eyes

Cooking pots! They look a bit - er, how can I put it - like old petrol cans or lamps that Aladdin would pop out of? I prefer my set of red ones! You can gift me a new washing machine if you wish - ours has just died - RIP! Crying or Very sad

Oops - dog calling me - ball tossing time again. Hey, what on earth did you think ball tossing was in my earlier post - oh, better PM me if it's too awful for delicate ears! Laughing Laughing Laughing

Daisy Ryder
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 04:14 pm
Aww! What a cool bracelet. I feel especially loved now. Very Happy
Not dead antlers. Lol. I chuckled out loud to that line. Caught myself.
The deer antlers start to grow at the end of summer. And they fall off in spring.
(that is, depending on species and climate)
Each year they get bigger and get another point or two. 
Not dead antlers, lol. Those antlers probably belong to the deer watching t.v.
I guess it would be like, keeping their baby teeth.

Always wanted an ocelot. Sooooo cute.

Foundy, how do you deal with smokers? My friend said the latest house, had to redo everything. Said, the walls and ceiling had turned yellow from nicotine. Said, there were light colored squares on the wall from where a picture was hanging - the wall paint behind it untouched by nicotine smoke. She also said, they had left behind a nice supply of roaches and completely destroyed a brand new stove they had installed last year. Luckily, there is habitat for humanity. Good place to find rolls of carpet, stoves, tile, paint, refrigerators for cheap.
Her favorite renters are these people from Venezuela. Says, they are the cleanest people she's ever had the pleasure of renting to. Said, her and her husband drove by and they had the yard kept like a golf course. Mowed, planted trees, flowers ... They may never see the trees grow to full size but she was pleased with their respectful ambition.

Foundy ... You are quite the psychic.
Vonny ... You are quite the sweetheart.
Dutchy ... You are one of a kind.
Sturgis ... Quite the character. You remind me of someone.
Talk again soon.

Have a wonderful day.
Stop and smell the roses today.
And smile. Because it is today.

Daisy Ryder
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 04:22 pm

Ever seen a pudu?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 05:25 pm


To both of you, NOW I KNOW! How awesome, to keep learning something new every day... I had no idea that deer cast their antlers annually...

Washing machines huh.. I thought you loved the old Sad Smile Must be buildings only, well sorry, I can gift you this one, looks awesome !!


Erm , well I could, well no I couldn't I mean I am a 'lady' so I shall, not even PM you on what I thought of the ball tossing.

Mind you,


Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 05:36 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

Leave that one for Vonny Wink Though I googled it..

Thanks, actually I thought it was pretty cool too and off course you are loved...

PFTTTTTTTT no chuckling at my expense, ok, go on...

GIGGLES for you Dutchy & Sturgis & Bill Wink


Actually, I am a smoker myself, not that I should be... And, definitely not puff and wind Wink

But, we can not discriminate here.. We can "ask" for them to smoke outside and that's it. For the most part people do, but for sure, definitely I've encountered that myself, I try to get people to get landlord insurance, It helps.

In some ways, it's honestly all about the back ground checks, ensuring they are correct, to what type of tenant you end up with.. Africans/Asians/Europeans are the best here, they are very respectful of someone else's property, strange to say, not Aussies Wink

Foundy ... You are quite the psychic.
Vonny ... You are quite the sweetheart.
Dutchy ... You are one of a kind.
Sturgis ... Quite the character. You remind me of someone.

Well that's an excellent and honest description of all of us, you forgot FLIRT with Dutchy Wink



Smile Sorry Dutchy couldn't help myself Wink MWHA
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 05:55 pm
Hey crazy lady (Foundy) what's on your mind this morning? Talking about OMG pictures on FaceBook, all in your mind????, can't find them. Tossing balls PM to Vonny, you also mentioned Dolly and a half naked young lady to me. Posting a seductive lady in your last post. What am I to make of all this, an oversexed Witch? Wink I wonder if that special broomstick has something to do with it?Smile

Sunshine you describe everybody around here pretty well but you forgot yourself, so how does "Lady of Mystique" sound to you? It represents, mystery, beauty and music. Smile A bit like Foundy, the elusive blond witch. Wink
Your description of Vonny is also spot on, indeed sweet and a shy English Rose.

Foundy shame on you for blackening my immaculate reputation around here, I remind you, I'm known as an Officer and a Gentleman, don't you forget it!

The weather is nice, going for a stroll along the beach and do some ornithology. Wink
0 Replies
Daisy Ryder
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 07:52 pm
Foundy! Quick!
Any funny Halloween pics?
Heard you talking about some that'll make me close my eyes and turn away?
Suddenly came into a burst of Halloween enthusiast. Talk about you guys a lot.
I was politely asked to ask you ... Your Halloween picture for Dutchy just went viral on the text message image share on our phones.
.... Got any more? Very Happy
Reply Wed 30 Oct, 2013 08:01 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Hiya Sunshine, I don't think Foundy will be able to give you a quick reply, she is at work presently and usually returns to the threads around 6pm (6 hours from now). I'm sure she'll comply with your request although Halloween is not celebrated here like it is in the US.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 31 Oct, 2013 01:45 am
@Daisy Ryder,
on 6pm..

You warlock you Danny Wink

Ok... well this is utterly horrible, seriously Wink




It was the utterly horrible one I was talking about Wink
Reply Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:46 am
Sunshine and Foundy below is my perfect Halloween girl, no 4 grotesque boobs but just the ideal shape. Wink
Reply Thu 31 Oct, 2013 02:53 am

Well I do call you that Wink

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