I'M BACK!!!!!!!! Thank you for the birthday wishes x
Well what a welcome

And, you been spying again on me Dutchy? 30/31/30
No rain, only on the first day and a thunderstorm, no rain, towards the end.
We had "the time of our lives" dadadadada......
Honestly, and I know this is soooo normal.. We did NOT want to come home

Now saving to buy our piece of land in Phuket, so cheap, $15k - $45k pending on what ... so when we truly retire, this will be the place we shall lay our hat.
People were amazing, everywhere you went, hands to the mouth, bend of the head and off course their blessing, we learnt it well
The taxi driver got lost on our arrival, lols. 2 hrs later of evening sight seeing we found our resort... We had our own little pool and exit into the large pool from our rooms but the best swim was at the beach. The most beautiful soft sand and blue sea and warm...
We took a boat trip to Ko Pee Pee, for the birthday, great getting over there, "never again" getting back.. Took 2 not one sea sick tablet to get through it lols. But, we were up-graded to the third deck and had the fourth to stand on and look out at the beauty was absolutely amazing, the up-grade included lounge chairs.
At Ko Pee Pee we found our own bit of paradise on the corner and booked a table for the night. On our return, there was one only table all along the beach front amongst 5 resorts with beautiful coloured lanterns in red and green and flowers on the table, and a lamp.... Set for four

Yep, for us... We drank beautiful wines, ate a stunning meal, and then watched the original waiter who set it up for us, with 5 others do a fire dance, who then beckoned me to stand behind him whilst he had the fire burning at both ends of his batten (off course I did) and a little dance : )Was absolutely amazing. And, felt very spoilt.
Our taxi driver also was fantastic, took us to a typical Thai Restaurant over looking the sea, with floating homes with freshly cooked seafood, felt a bit guilty but nothing better than freshly cooked prawns and crab, just awesome.
Saw the temples, stunning. The most largest Budda on the hill top, fed elephants, sat in open restaurants and again got spoilt, home cooked fish by a Thai woman, OMG... to die for well sort off.
Swam and read books, not much as we walked everywhere and went every where.. Did the markets, walked bare foot along the beaches, drank beer lols. Even found the best Chinese Restaurant in Phuket.
Took photos upon photos and yes, will start posting them in-between work off course ... But will send you two photos first x
Even took a picture of this tiny pooch, strapped in on a motor bike

Well like a baby to his chest.
Motor bikes everywhere zipping in and out, rare to find traffic lights, everyone allows the bikes first as the drive along.. Usually 3 on a bike, or a lady side saddling. Tricycles with little families sitting in them, whilst Dad or Mum or both drive them home...
We saw the Gypsy Village . One area was lovely, a man painting all these paintings of Phuket, people. When asked how much? 800 baht which is $20 odd dollars only, wish we could have bought them back...
It sure was hot but you get used to it, and your hair remains in a plat lols, or up but if down, OMG I didn't realise my hair could get that curly
Little children, bringing you in flowers , showing off or sitting with their grandmother who you could tell was so proud and giving a beautiful smile, got it all on the camera.
Just an amazing experience, though I've been to Bali, we loved this place more.
We seriously are going to purchase over there, makes sense, no feeling of injuries at all... No nanna naps even though we walked for hours daily, just at peace and happy
Thank you for your above little comments ... Glad to be home.. But, wish I was still there
So many more things.. Markets, beautifully carved furniture amazing silver wear, people...
And, here I now Is................. Gawd work? NOOOOOOOO