A synthesis of scientific thinking about the origins of the universe, is also a basis by which valid predictions can be made. Otherwise science is just sitting there with its thumbs up its ass waiting for something supernatural to happen.
Creation "Theory" is just a manifestation of "And then a miracle happens"and has been built to intervene with our really tough equations.
Thomasian teachings make as good and acceptable (to science) basis for the origin of the Universe. His was a transcendental God serving as a symbol of a cause that cannot be fathomed in our minds. It sounds great and tries to cover all the bases but, as most scientists say. "SO FUCKIN WHAT?"
In reality, only CReationists have a critical need for the intervention guy in the sky. They seek control of their minions by a document they claim is inerrant.
Even if one isnt involved in science , one knows that the Bible is allegory surrounded in myth. Its a beautiful piece of literature in places but it has absolutely no use as a scientific tool, except for the folks who try to push SCientific Creationism. Then they do all kinds of back flips to correlate Biblical verses with some scientific observation.
The two worldviews only come into actual conflict when the Creationists attempt to spread their brand of thinking into many of our public institutions. If theyd just keep to themselves and "publish" their own version of reality, I dont think Id give a ****. You dont find any scientists picketing Bob Jones University or Ave MAria with signs claiming inerrancy of science. Often,We do, however, see the Creationists picketing public museums whenever a big dinosaur or Cosmology exhibit opens