Mon 26 Jan, 2004 08:50 am
There is a new TV series on Showtime called 'The 'L' Word' which is all about lesbian relationships, I find it interesting and funny.
Since I don't have any lesbian friends(that I know of), I've never gotten the insight of the female side lesbian relationships. In a former career some of my managers and other employees were openly gay but I didn't know anything more of their personal lives. I do have a guy best friend who is gay and have been around some of his gay guy friends enough to have that insight. Please excuse me if I have misused any terminology in describing my experiences.
Anyway, one of the couples in the 'L' show have been wanting to get pregnant so they've gone to some of their guy friends for sperm, and even tried to trick a guy into a threesome. That guy surprised them with a condom and when they qustioned it he figured out what they were up to.
That is some background but has nothing to do with my observation of their terminology. This couple calls getting pregnant by artificial insemination, 'making a baby together'. They also say, 'I want to make a baby with you'.
To me they aren't making the baby, at least not in the way intercourse between a man and woman would. I don't know, it jut seemed odd for two women to say it that way.
Could any lesbian A2Kers help me out with this and if you have watched the show, is it generally pretty close to the lesbian relationship world?
I have no personal insight to offer, but I think it will be interesting to see the demographic of regular viewers after the initial curiosity factor fizzles. As one reviewer put it, "Queer Toys for Straight Boys."
The L Word on Showtime
I too do not have any advise to offer, but coming form an unbiast standpoint i feel teh show is not only entertaining, but also down too earth. It is nice to see a show centered around a group of women like this. You may want to pose your question(s) to one of the actors which will be holding a live chat on Feb. 1st... for more info visit
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As a matter of semantics, it is incorrect. However, it's not as annoying as one in a heterosexual couple exclaiming "We're pregnant!" No, honey, you're pregnant. He's just waiting until you give birth. Unless you both are - then call the papers.
Lesbians making babies.... hmmmm.... Can I watch?
The L Word on Showtime
I totally agree with you "Sugar." Although the exclaimation "we are having a baby" is not literal. It is just a way of exclaiming who is going to be a parent. Anyway, are you a fan of the show or just contributing to the forum?? You should check it out if you haven't already. The site is good too. Link deleted by Moderator
I'm not a lesbian A2K'er, and I don't play one on t.v., but I've got a coupla sets of female friends who are having/ have had babies together.
The terminology as you've described it sounds normal.
Quote:Queer Toys for Straight Boys
That's the way my gut was reacting to the idea. That's a great line!
I like that too!
Thanks all, for your replies.
I catalogued a book last week on the very subject.
Buying Dad: one woman's search for the perfect sperm donor by Harlyn Aizley. Published by Alison Books, 2003. ISBN 1555837557