@Finn dAbuzz,
Americans, in general, love Australia and Australians.
Then it's pretty mutual.
Thank Crocodile Dundee, The Man From Snowy Mountain, or Mad Max, but they do.
Hmmm. That's sad - they are all myths. - I like poms because of James Bond and 'people from the USA' because of Noam Chomsky BAHAHAHAHA
Or thank the Irish connection: " A Wild Colonial Boy"
Mebbe..., but reading that article the 'people from the USA' who love us wouldn't know about the Irish connection particularly
America was a British colony that threw off the Homeland's embrace, and, much later on, so was Australia.
Well we didn't so much throw it off as much as they cut the apron strings (still not all of them - the Queen is still our head of state, or at least she chooses our head of state) - no shot was fired in anger, no revolution. You guys worked harder for your independence than we ever did.
Just to clarify, we 'threw it off' much later because we weren't even a colony in 1776 - it was another 12 years before the first fleet settled in Port Jackson. One could argue (ridiculously) that we were quicker (subtract year of Jamestown colonisation (1607 from year of Declaration of independence 1776 [170] and compare to year of Federation/self rule 1901 minus first fleet 1788 [113] and you'll see we were over 50 years quicker (I stress again, it's a ridiculous comparison)).
We're brothers dude!
Indeed we are - regardless of what countries we originate from
I've been to Australia numerous times and enjoyed every visit. I have a number of Australian friends with whom I remain connected.
My impression as a visitor was that Australians, generally, like America and
I'd agree that impression is correct. But we don't like you because you're american, we like you because you're not gammon.
A2K is, in the main, a liberal dominated forum, and certainly every one of our Aussie members is a liberal: You, dlowan, msolga, etc.
If I've missed a conservation Aussie, make yourself known and I will apologize.
There are a couple of right wing aussies (Tenderfoot springs to mind) but mostly the A2K aussies are left leaning. Have you been drinking? A 'Conversation' Aussie? Just jokes, I do that word substitution thing all the time.
Thing is I know there are Australian conservatives, and so do you.
Why do think I would not know that or that I would deny it? Itching for a fight? The depressing thing for you is that our conservatives are officially called 'liberal' which makes us lefties virtual Che Guevaras.
We have right wing shock jocks too - but I somehow don't see even you having much time for Alan Jones, Andrew Bolt, Piers Akerman and co.
In any case you probably have a better understanding of whether or not the American love for Australia is unrequited.
I think you misread my original post - my belief was that Oz's love for the USA was unrequited, not the other way round.
Based on my experience it is not, but you may want to argue otherwise. You can be ideological or honest in this regard.
How like you Finn, to present my own thoughts to me as yours and then call me a liar before I've responded.
Hell, liberals have infested the entire world and so there must be a rabbit's load of them in Oz.
<sigh> what a wonderfully simple world of black and white you live in. Give it a label. Dismiss it. We don't call them liberals here, we call them 'people who believe in a fair go'.