Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 05:58 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

We will what?? feed and quench?? Why are you not doing it now?? what is the point of waiting? the purpose is to be saved right? apposed to condemned??
What do you think I am trying to do? Confused Feed the hungry? Neutral Is it my fault you don't want to eat? Rolling Eyes So far you have spit everything I've tried to feed you back into my face. Laughing
Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 06:05 am
If you think me challenging you, as to if your the Messiah, is spitting it back in your face, because I will not openly accept anyone as the Messiah....Than I apologize to you, but I will not be a soothesayer here....My Salvation is more important, than appeasing your ego....
Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 06:13 am
voiceindarkness wrote:
What do you think I am trying to do?

I think you're trying to come to terms with your wife's illness. Having a loved one facing a serious illness can do serious things to your head. My wife died from breast cancer, so I know how fucked up that can make you. You need to try to deal with reality, otherwise you're likely to slip over the edge of the abyss. You may well have had some form of epiphany, but that does not mean you're the messiah. So far the only person you've convinced of that is yourself. In others you've either prompted ridicule or pity.
Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 06:13 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

If you think me challenging you, as to if your the Messiah, is spitting it back in your face, because I will not openly accept anyone as the Messiah....Than I apologize to you, but I will not be a soothesayer here....My Salvation is more important, than appeasing your ego....
It,s not about salvation, that's Christian bullshit you have been fed. Neutral Their crap taste good? Confused
It's about wakening the dead. Cool You have to wake up before you can eat. Rolling Eyes
Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 06:22 am
izzythepush wrote:

voiceindarkness wrote:
What do you think I am trying to do?

I think you're trying to come to terms with your wife's illness. Having a loved one facing a serious illness can do serious things to your head. My wife died from breast cancer, so I know how fucked up that can make you. You need to try to deal with reality, otherwise you're likely to slip over the edge of the abyss. You may well have had some form of epiphany, but that does not mean you're the messiah. So far the only person you've convinced of that is yourself. In others you've either prompted ridicule or pity.
We are all in the depth of the abyss, I'm trying to draw you out of sleep Wink I didn't convince myself of anything, God convinced me. Cool
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 06:26 am
And I tell you assuredly, I am awake, and have been awoken...Because I do not believe your the Messiah, does not mean I do not know God...nor am I still asleep...

From what I can see people who embrace Christ, and are humble good, honest people does more for Christ. than it does to go around and prate about who you are, and what your going to do....when you haven't shown us a thing, yet to date...and I am telling you, as soon as you show one shred of evidence which would suggest anything you claim...I guarantee people will feed off of it...
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 12:11 pm
You know what, this is about as far as I am going to go in this thread....I see no point in even discussing this anymore....I do not wish to drag you, nor your wife through the mud, Nor do you nor your wife deserve what people on here are trying/going to do/put you through....I believe that your not the Messiah, and my opinion still stands, but I also believe your a sick individual, and I do not mean sick as in vulgar, explicit, evil, cunning etc...But as in sick, as in mentally wrong....I have no idea if it is something in you that is off, I do not know if it is what the Devil is doing to you, and or you with conjunction to what is happening with your wife...But, in any event, I feel drawn compassion toward you, right now, and your wife, and speak these words from God himself, as well as from my heart, directly...this is not the place for you...I do not even feel like debating with you anymore, for if your mentally ill, than it has no beneficial purpose at all to me....The only thing I can say in departing from you, is it would be wise to stand down as the Messiah, and call yourself sick, for the kingdom of Heaven is already yours and your wife's...Do not be concerned with who you are, and what your going to do, but rather take care of yourself, and your wife...She needs you!! Leave here, and Go your way....The Lord is with you and your wife... Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink

You both will always be in my prayers, from now till the day we see each other in Heaven...May God bless you, and your wife, and may God always be with you....

Take care!

P.S. please take into account what I have said, and think about it before rejecting it....

remember: Jesus Loves All Forever, Amen! Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink
Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 01:04 pm
I do not know if it is what the Devil is doing to you, and or you with conjunction to what is happening with your wife

The Devil is supposed to be cunning, Voice's attempts are anything but, it's all rather sad. I really do feel for him, and I agree with you that, we're not helping him at all.

Take care!

Seconded. I hope things work out for him.
Reply Mon 16 Jan, 2012 10:05 am
XXSpadeMasterXX wrote:

You know what, this is about as far as I am going to go in this thread.... Rolling Eyes I see no point in even discussing this anymore.... Confused I do not wish to drag you, nor your wife through the mud Wink ,
Nor do you nor your wife deserve what people on here are trying/going to do/put you through.... Shocked
I'm not afraid of anything. Cool
I believe that your not the Messiah Neutral , and my opinion still stands Sad , but I also believe your a sick individual Rolling Eyes , and I do not mean sick as in vulgar Twisted Evil , explicit, evil, cunning etc...But as in sick Shocked , as in mentally wrong.... Rolling Eyes
And your mentally right? Cool
I have no idea if it is something in you that is off Confused ,
Or on. Cool
I do not know if it is what the Devil is doing to you Confused , and or you with conjunction to what is happening with your wife... Neutral
He tried, Cool we won. Laughing
But, in any event, I feel drawn compassion toward you Wink , right now Confused , and your wife Neutral , and speak these words from God himself Cool , as well as from my heart Drunk , directly... Confused this is not the place for you... Confused I do not even feel like debating with you anymore Shocked , for if your mentally ill Confused , than it has no beneficial purpose at all to me.... Neutral The only thing I can say in departing from you Wink , is it would be wise to stand down as the Messiah Evil or Very Mad , and call yourself sick Twisted Evil , for the kingdom of Heaven is already yours and your wife's... Confused Do not be concerned with who you are Rolling Eyes , and what your going to do Rolling Eyes , but rather take care of yourself Neutral , and your wife...She needs you!! Wink Leave here, and Go your way.... Drunk The Lord is with you and your wife... Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink
Yeah, the Lord is here all right, Cool You think I'm just going to go away? Laughing

You both will always be in my prayers Sad , from now till the day we see each other in Heaven... Shocked May God bless you Rolling Eyes , and your wife Neutral , and may God always be with you....
Who you praying to? Cool Where is he? Shocked

Take care! Smile
By now. Very Happy

P.S. please take into account what I have said, and think about it before rejecting it.... Wink
OK. Wink

remember: Jesus Loves All Forever, Amen! Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Wink Cool
OK, by already Wink What ever peals your banana. Laughing
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 01:55 am
I'm not afraid of anything.

You should always be afraid of God the father...

And your mentally right?

Never said I was/am...but I know when it's not my place, and when to stand down...

He tried, Cool we won.

Really? then why is he going to kill you? If your talking about winning as in your resurrection, than it is God who wins, not the 2 witnesses...and it is God's battle (the devil) not the 2 witnesses...

Yeah, the Lord is here all right, Cool You think I'm just going to go away?

You don't have to, but it would be wise, and in your best interest if you did...

Who you praying to? Cool Where is he?

All around me all the time, not in any one actual place such as you are....

Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 01:56 am
And one more thing, I am asking you nice...could you ease up on all the emotions...they really are not necessary....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 03:41 am
You are a kind soul.
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 03:54 am
Didn't every great prophet get labeled as mentally ill? Nostradamus, for one of many, was in mental institution at the end of his days... not to compare this great men to anyone here ,, I just seems in the world today and yesterday that if an idea comes along that can't be proven, it is deemed crazy, And, the message is set up for dissection. Be the very elite don;t be fooled by your enemies... Love each other beyond the point the world will not......
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 04:02 am
Thank you, not many people have come to that conclusion. By and large I've stopped commenting on this thread. No matter how irritating one may find Voice, and he really irritates me, it's clear he's in a lot of pain, and I don't like kicking someone when they're down.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 04:12 am
Didn't every great prophet get labeled as mentally ill? Nostradamus, for one of many, was in mental institution at the end of his days... not to compare this great men to anyone here ,, I just seems in the world today and yesterday that if an idea comes along that can't be proven, it is deemed crazy, And, the message is set up for dissection. Be the very elite don;t be fooled by your enemies... Love each other beyond the point the world will not......

I have done that, and reconciled myself to voice in those ways, and will continue to do so!! thank you for the reply!!

Funny you mention the Prophet, ill thing...I have said on here I think Voice has a gift but is unaware of it...right now he is ill...and second I am a Prophet of God....and am currently deemed ill by the world....

0 Replies
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 04:55 am
DestinyzChild wrote:
Didn't every great prophet get labeled as mentally ill? Nostradamus, for one of many, was in mental institution at the end of his days... not to compare this great men to anyone here ,, I just seems in the world today and yesterday that if an idea comes along that can't be proven, it is deemed crazy, And, the message is set up for dissection. Be the very elite don;t be fooled by your enemies... Love each other beyond the point the world will not......

It is just incredible the bullshit people will peddle. Leaving aside that there were no mental institutions in Europe in 1566 when Michel de Nostradame died, when he died, he was the physician to King Charles IX of France. One can read his biography here. Apparenly, people believe that they can post any old bullshit they please and never get called on it.
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 06:40 am
hey voice, what is your last name? just curious...
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 07:24 am
you know what they say... never let facts get in the way of derelict understanding
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 07:41 am
Exactly lol fact haha
Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 08:39 am
Thank you child, I Love You, in ways you cant imagine.
You are right, but everyone is a prisoner of the asylum of the mind.
None know freedom.
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