@Frank Apisa,
If you learned to read properly, you'd be able to infer about any gaps in what I said.
I know what I'm thinking, so I use symbological shorthand, and don't always finish thoughts, but leave it to the reader to piece together. I also, don't, always know, the best place to put commas (okay that was intentional). So reading my stuff might be an issue sometimes.
But it's not just my fault. It appears obvious you don't understand symbolism or metaphor, you don't look at links, and you can barely read. Religious types don't have to directly say something. They know source material from least one religion. I can probably give you stuff from about three, as well as a number of pop culture references.
It's like you've been stuck in a cave all your life, with people only showing you shadows. If you ever went outside, you'd see the sunlight, and wonder why you ever thought any of what you see now is real. If you were a little less ignorant, you'd be like "Oh! Plato's Cave!" But I suspect long before that, you glared at me like " What you talking about, Willis? "
I'd maybe expect you to get that reference from Avenue Q. But not from its original source (Diff'rent Strokes). Or even know what the source was.