As a bacteriology major, just to take the classes, I had to get various vaccines. O0h look, pseudo triceps..
Meantime, I never had mumps or whooping cough or one of the measles - I had the other one, but don't remember which: those seem to be proliferating, and I doubt those were in my school shots re bacteriology.. the pathogens we were working with were more serious at the time. Don't know.
I probably saved an article I read recently, that the dispenser things miss stuff in hospitals, and that soap and water works best for (what, I forgot). Point being, do both. But hospital bathrooms I've seen recently don't have soap.
I've long been wary about the whole situation. My original path prof was a brit, who kept saying words like isolation - as in iss - oh - lay - tion. But he did instill how the march of resistance happens. And that was in the early sixties.
I don't know what I think now, long out of the bacteriology field, but I have a sense we are going in the wrong direction in a handbasket.