@cicerone imposter,
I don't think so cicerone imposter. Indeed I believe that taking down the devil himself is doable! The devil or evil spirit is just a mind set. It exists while ever there are two or more evil people that connect in the world. These people are harmful in their everyday life to other people, and each other as I have observed many times.
They have multiplied and constitute a great number in the world today. We could call them "the antichrist". The methods they use have been developed over millenia but in my opinion and from what I have seen and experienced in the last hundred years a new player has joined the game play, in a manner of speaking. This is none other than the medical industry. They have grown in the last fifty years to become the largest industry in the world. Of course they are not one company, they are many but they act as a single item when it comes to defending their business and profits. And again as it appears to me they have looked to enhance their profits by blindsiding the public. I reckon we could call these "the false prophets". The medical misinformation can be seen in three key areas, which are:-
1. the true nature of emotions (which are not psychological and stored in the brain etc. Emotions are significant changes to whole body function and for a reason, because some work needs to be done by the body or in the body),
2. ESP, which is at a premium inside of close and trusted relationship, and
3. the comfort zone, which is a kind of mental fuzz. Actually it is caused by distracting or lowering the attention and hence affecting the degree of consciousness).
When these three are clearly understood, they can be tested and used to test for the foul game play that toxic /evil people use to harm others. This exposes the true nature of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, mental disorders, autoimmune diseases and much, much more.
When these are exposed and the average person understands how they come about in terms of what sort of foul play they are up against, they can make themselves well without drugs and medical procedures and even not get sick in the first place. THUS the evil sub-culture can no longer operate and when these people can't play foul games and hurt others they can't get pleasure, which they use to artificially bring their bodies to rest. The damage is so great that they will quite literally die. And I suspect they constitute 10-15% of the world's population, with the greatest density in the West.