Wow! I'm overwhelmed! Thank you all.
I've always been Susie-granola and have tried to eat well and take care of myself. Things slid, and then for various reasons they just kept sliding. I had moderately high cholesterol for ages but it was never deemed to be a problem because my HDL/LDL ratios were great and I was in good overall health. The day I was prescribed the meds was the day I decided that I needed to make some lifestyle changes so I could come back off them. I'm about a year off schedule but I'm ready to give it another go.
I'll tackle the food/diet/weight aspects first. They may be more difficult than I imagine but, if motivation has anything to do with outcomes then I'll make it to my goal. I'll also ask the doctor about weaning off of the Plavix in Oct vs jumping straight to the baby aspirin and then, eventually, weaning off or stopping the statin. I have no idea how she'll react. She wasn't too concerned about my bp med choice - in fact, she didn't even check my blood pressure

Fortunately, I have a monitor here and can check it myself. She'll have to be more on board for checking my cholesterol and the aspirin decision.
Soz - great, I'm trying to get in a 30 min walk daily. We'll keep each other posted.
Again, thank you all so much. You really have no idea...