Fri 6 Dec, 2002 08:04 am
Have you noticed? By popular demand, Able2Know has expanded the Original Art Forum to include Photography (after all, photography IS an art). So all you shutterbugs, this is the place to post your OWN, ORIGINAL photographs.
Please be judicious in your use of space. We can't have anything that will widen the page so much that people will have to scroll horizontally. Also, please post only your best photographs, not snapshots, only the ones that are really special, that could be considered ART. (Yes, we would love to see the 300 pictures of your trip to Antarctica, but not here!)
So dig thru those albums, and post the picture that you just KNEW would win the prize if only you had entered the Photography contest!
Great news Phoenix and A2k. Amazing and responsive web site, gotta love lit.
Phoenix, pardon my spazziness, but how do I find the page where the photo's are posted?
Gala- Not spazzy at all. Photography has only been recently added to the Original Art Forum, and there are not too many that are posted yet. To find them, go to "Forum Index", and Click on Original Art & Photography Forum. Click on anything that says photography, or photos, and you will find a few.
Even if you are not sure, click on one or another threads in this category. Some of out members are pretty teriffic artists!
Dear Friend Pitter: Each time I see another of your works, I am introduced to some aspect of your visually rich world that inspires you to your calling for visual expression. This fascinating tableau of folk art is a fine example. In your part of the world you are priviledged to witness and be an inheritor of whimsical native artifacts from infancy on to adult life. Most uninitiated observers might think all you need do is point and click to make fabulous photography. I am certain that you may agree that some wonderful images have an almost "found" or accidental quality that actually belies the arduos effort required to achieve the status of fine art. Thus a fine photograph appears as effortlessly as a fine dancer might fluidly execute a graceful turn. Your considerable talent is most appreciated by one and all.
Thank you again Chuckster. Yes I found the ubiquitous souvenir markets of Peru and Ecuador to offer endless opportunities for color and texture studies.