shewolf, looks like you already have started with the stories! You asked in another thread how I have recorded stuff, and really, the main way is here! I started interacting with many of the people now on A2K on another forum when my daughter was a tiny baby. (I actually made my first cautious forays on that forum when I was still pregnant.) So I've been writing about her from the beginning, though at first it was a lot more "HELP ME WHAT DO I DOOOOOOOO???" sorts of posts. ;-)
Then I wrote about her a lot on nimh's "What Made You Smile Today" threads, and started this one since that seemed to be ALL I was writing about there. I kept a pregnancy journal just fine, like an actual paper one, but writing things down since the kid was born seems much harder -- something about writing it down as part of an interaction, getting feedback on it, is more effective in getting me to write. I have copied and pasted (and changed names back to real names) lots of these and gathered them to give to grandparents, who appreciate it. And I read old entries, and it's GONE, man. I remember as soon as I re-read it, but it's gone until that moment. Which spurs me to write more, since I don't WANT it gone.
Whack story for Craven.
I was talking to him and explaining that I really needed to go because I was at that moment being scaled like a cliff, followed by earnest attempts to pull over my chair, followed by my feet being energetically and repeatedly whacked with a book.
Craven identifies with the impulse to whack me vigrously with a book, I guess.
nimh, yeah, I've been going with the flow since orangutans lived in the big tree in our backyard -- that was around 18 months old. It was just so interesting to see what was going on in that little baby brain, and I wanted to know more. Every once in a while I'll interrupt a conversation and say, for example, "You know it's not really a good idea to build a bonfire in the yard, right?", and she'll roll her eyes and say, "Yes, I KNOW!" and we'll get back to the story.
She could SO be a fashion designer queen bee type, yep. We have a box full of silk scarves as well as another box full of dress-up clothes, and she regularly decks herself out. Recent outfit was highish-heeled pink feathery dress-up mules, silk flower dress-up skirt, tutu under it, several scarves draped hither and yon and tied fetchingly, more scarves on her head, a big straw hat over those, and a pink parasol.
She also has been steadily pestering me for makeup/ nail polish for the last 2 years or so, and I finally just got her the nail polish of her choice -- pink, of course, and glittery -- so little pink toenails, too.
And now before I forget the forehead/ hospital story...
My husband usually spends some one-on-one time with the sozlet before bed, to give me a break and just to hang out with her. Not often, but occasionally, I'll finish what I'm doing and go find them and she'll be crying for one reason or another (cranky time of day) -- she hurt herself, or is frustrated, or whatever. So the other day I went and checked on them and she had tears just streaming down her face and I said, "What happened?", expecting to get a tale of a bumped knee or something, and E.G. said, "Well, it's complicated..."
First, you need to know that she loves to play hospital. She'll often come up to me and say, with an incredibly sad expression, "My dolly hurt herself... she needs to go to the
hospital." (And yes, she says "dolly", dunno where that came from. I think we read her too many old-fashioned books.) Anyway, so then we go to the hospital, which is her bedroom, and put the dolly in the bed, and minister to the dolly (she makes complicated and vaguely sinister medical instruments out of legos and such), and give the dolly medicine, and make the dolly feel better.
So when sozlet and E.G. were hanging out she stubbed her toe, and it wasn't bad at all (not crying), but they decided to play hospital and she went to her bed and lay down and my husband stroked her forehead and spoke soothing words about how he was sorry she was so hurt and she would be OK and he'd take care of her and the waterworks started. She just looked up at him and her lip trembled and kaboom. Not like sobbing, just enormous amounts of water spilling out of huge sad eyes.
So that's when I walked in, or shortly thereafter. She explained that she was just so happy that her Papa loved her so much. We thought she probably had some pent-up emotions about the whole move, had talked about it a lot that day.
She generally tries to be tough, tries not to cry, but when she does cry she always describes it afterwards with hefty doses of drama. "And then the tears just came right up out of my eyes and went drip... drip... drip..."