Minor slice of sozlet-ness, nothing too punchy:
She broke her arm and got a giant green cast, and there was a scrum of people who wanted to sign it. Then she got a short cast on Wednesday (woo-hoo! so much better) and again there was a scrum. It was less real estate though and the scrum wanted her to rank them -- best friend first, second best friend next, etc.
Her BFF Kay broke her leg a couple of years ago and sozlet was the first to sign it (the first non-family member to see her after the break, which was quite traumatic). At that point they made a deal that if sozlet ever had a cast, Kay would be the first to sign it. So that was the easy part, she signed it first.
But then everyone was clamoring for second, and sozlet just wouldn't have any of it. "You're all friends, I'm not going to rank you, just figure it out!"