Random sozletness:
I check her phone occasionally just to see what's up -- that was a condition of getting her a phone, and she's aware of it.
Yesterday I noticed there was a long exchange with someone she doesn't usually text with.
Cast of characters:
Sozlet: you know.
Katy: Very peppy, goofy, girly girl who is usually sweet but sometimes evil. She has come to sozlet for advice before, when dealing with some girl drama. She's a friend but not a close friend. Her motives are not always clear.
Mark: A friend of sozlet's.
Texts, in order (copied and pasted, no changes except for names -- sozlet gave permission for me to post):
Hey sozlet its katy do u have marks #
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

#44 (
ed note: I've included her sig line to help figure out who's talking and also because the sig line is so her. Buford is an OSU b-ball player.)
Yes... Not awkwardly just yes.
Cool..... Can i have it???
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

Tell me WHY you need it truthfully.
Bcuz i want to txt him.... can i plz have it??
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

I just asked him. He has not yet responded.
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

#44 (
ed note: no text)
Dont ask him just give it to me... plz
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

- I LOVE Buford soooo much

I am getting his permission and that is final. I will try and persuade him tho.
Persuade is a funny word
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

Y cant u just give it to me........ he wont care
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

What if he does?
Then ill delete it... maybe and he cn go cry about it
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

Katy. Really?
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

I am not giving u his number until he says I can.... bye.
I'll text u when he writes back.
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

Just called him. He said he didn't care. <

Haha can i have it???
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

Yes it is [number]
- I LOVE Buford soooo much

My immediate reaction upon reading it (sozlet was right there): "You are SUCH a mom!!"
She laughed but she agreed. I thought the "Katy. Really?" text was especially funny. She thought the "and that's final" one was the most mom-like.
(When she called him, Mark was fine with giving the number to Katy but also told sozlet he appreciated that she wanted his permission first.)