Interesting, that's something I was just talking to a friend about. I've had conversations with some of the moms of these girls who have older siblings, and they're like pshaw, this is nothing. While I know it's
comparatively nothing, it seems like now is the time to come down hard on it and try to help prevent the worse stuff later on.
Re: the article, I don't think it's new though -- I went through something very similar in third grade and a lot of the developmental stuff I'm reading indicates that it's common that this stuff starts young.
At any rate, things seem to currently be much better around here (we'll see, it's always changing). Kay has really stepped up. She told sozlet that she felt like she'd been hypnotized by Esse and that the spell was finally broken. She's been standing up to Esse and generally being a good friend to sozlet.
The alliances seem to have shifted. It used to be:
Group A: Sozlet, Kay, Esse (and sometimes M, at lunch and recess)
Group B: Em, N, O
Now it is:
Group A: Sozlet and Kay, with a loose coalition of additional girls (sometimes M, sometimes N, sometimes one or several other girls not already named)
Group B: Em, Esse, O
I've learned that Em, who I'd thought was a follower, is evidently a leader while O is (in the words of another mom) her "puppet." N has really been ill-used by O and Em and is now standing up for herself too, and is mostly out of that group (by choice).
The good news is that sozlet and Kay aren't being exclusionary, they're perfectly happy to hang out with group B girls
if they are nice. If they're not, sozlet and Kay are outta there. This has worked out pretty well overall, they've all been able to hang out (or in combinations) and have fun, but there are definitely still mean-girl blips that sozlet and Kay then react to (with censure or just leaving).
The interesting thing is that Esse does seem to keep going to sozlet and Kay as a first choice, then goes back to Em and O if something happens and sozlet and Kay say "yeah, not OK, see ya."
We'll see.