School has started, yep!
She's loving it. Her best friend and her back-up best friend are in her class (and there haven't been any tugs-of-war yet, which I was worried about), and her teacher is really fabulous. Sozlet read with her last year so they already know each other.
What I like about this teacher is that she's very teacher-y -- organized, nurturing, etc. -- but has a bit of a macabre streak/ dark sense of humor. Sozlet loves that.
As an early example, the kids were each given pets on the first day of school. Their own individual pets! How sweet. Guess what they are?
They will be observing the mealworms as they molt and then eventually become beetles. Part of a unit on insects.
But the kids are encouraged to play with the mealworms too -- very hands-on. They decided to do a mealworm circus. Sozlet asked me for ideas on Wednesday for what a mealworm circus would include. I ventured, "a Ferris wheel?" Thursday after school, she said, "so we did the circus and now we're doing an amusement park -- P made a roller coaster, and we have to make the Ferris wheel."

Um. OK!
Evidently the teacher is just rolling with it. She seems to appreciate the creativity.
So, we made a mealworm Ferris wheel!
Main materials were Sculpey and wire.
Works pretty good.
The mealworms had a blast on Friday.
(Asked sozlet if she has anything to add, she says):
Some of them were afraid of heights, and some of them were squirming when they got to the top, and some of them were just squirming the whole time, and some of them fell OUT. And some of 'em just sat back and relaxed.