She did! It was just one thing -- some sort of yogurt-covered whatsits that I'd bought for school snacks.
ehBeth, E.G. and I have been trying to say "pile" with one syllable and we just can't. Canajuns do?
one syllable
the two syllable thing always makes me look
where are THEY from ?
hold your nose
one syll-a-bull
Sozlet wrote:Actually I'm always a goofball, you just don't always notice.

The young lady knows how to make a point!
Sozobe wrote:On the counter were three separate groupings, with post-it notes in front of each; "I can't reach pioll," "I don't know pioll," and "I want to eat pioll." ("Pioll"= "pile").
Aside of how cute this is, did you notice the improvement in her bargaining skills? Even if you wanted to, you just
couldn't stuff all the "I want to eat pioll" into the fridge without making yourself feel like a monster of a mother. She sure is learning how to work you.
Ha! Too funny. I love that she made notes to explain her decisions.
This caught my fancy:
Quote:When I came up for air I realized that things were awfully quiet, where was sozlet and what was she up to?
I just had this great image flash through my head of you as a tuning fork picking up the sozlet's vibrations from afar.
boomerang wrote:Quote:When I came up for air I realized that things were awfully quiet, where was sozlet and what was she up to?
I just had this great image flash through my head of you as a tuning fork picking up the sozlet's vibrations from afar.
Right, I was curious about this sentence too. How does a deaf person notice that something is "too quiet"?
Pretty much what boomer said. Vibrations, man.
I just constantly have feelers out -- footsteps, visual movement that translates to "noise," general context (she went off to go to the bathroom, she should've been back 5 minutes ago), etc., etc.
Something less prosaic than that too, it was either here or on the "I'm not cold!" thread (which I have to update) where I talked about sleeping in my bedroom and feeling a "disturbance in the force," and immediately hopping out of bed and going to check on her (which I NEVER do, E.G. is the ears, especially at night, and if I check on her I wake her up which I never want to do) and finding that she'd barfed all over herself and was too disoriented/ weak to come get us and was sobbing quietly to herself. Too quietly for E.G. to hear, evidently. Oh, the poor kid, that was awful. Point is, what roused me? No idea.
That "disturbance in the force" is exactly how I pictured it.
Sozlette is cool. Can I borrow her for a while?
Checking in and reading along....
"Always a goofball..." Ha!
So sozlet and I watched the Michigan - OSU game back when it happened, and she loved it. We watched the whole thing and I taught her a bunch of football stuff along the way, she really got it by the end of the game.
We were both excited about the BCS game last night. She found a 10-dollar bill in her desk (I think this was the money that resulted from the lottery ticket E.G. bought her a while back, that she was lovingly nurturing -- "time for my money to have lunch!", etc.) and begged to go get some OSU stuff so we could properly cheer them on during the game. I had to go to the grocery store anyway, they did have a whole bunch of stuff, but nothing was just what she wanted. She'd helped me pick out a scarlet and gray outfit for her to wear that day, just out of her regular clothes, and she decided that was enough for now.
So we settled in to watch the game, she was just on pins and needles, then the first play was Ted Ginn Jr. taking the kickoff and running all the way for a touchdown, she was THRILLED!!
We'd agreed ahead of time that she couldn't watch too much -- she insisted on watching at least some of it but it was a late game and she had school the next day. She was just bouncing off the walls throughout, and very tragic when we had to turn it off to go to bed.
As she ran around the dining room table pretending to catch hail marys, E.G. said to me, "You've created a monster!" (I'm the football fan around here, he tolerates super bowls and bowl games but is mostly bored by it.)
She said to him, "well you helped!"
He said "eh?"
She crossed her arms and gave him a schoolmarm look. "You know..."
More confusion from E.G.
She sighed deeply and said, "You know, when the egg and the sperm meet..."
sozobe wrote:She crossed her arms and gave him a schoolmarm look. "You know..."
More confusion from E.G.
She sighed deeply and said, "You know, when the egg and the sperm meet..."
Your daughter doesn't have it easy. Those physicists just don't get it.
sozlet age 7 - going on 22.
sozobe wrote:"You know, when the egg and the sperm meet..." says to the other, "Pleased to gamete you!"
I just ran into a YouTube clip, and thought a certain six-year-old zoo junkie might enjoy it:
(The video shows a lion hugging a woman. She had rescued him a couple of years ago from a traveling circus that treated him badly, and had nursed him back to health.)
Forgot to tell you, she loved it! First couple of viewings were a bit

, but then that shaded to "awwwww....!"
OK, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind...
As usual when I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, just a little of this and a little of that.
She's taken up a habit of E.G.'s side of the family, of repeating a mildly amusing joke over and over and over again until the repetition of it is the joke. There are several of these; one is, when asked about the sum of two large numbers, answering, "more than five." This is accompanied by a devilish grin and barely-suppressed (then unsuppressed) giggling. I roll my eyes, she and E.G. think it's hilarious.
Whenever one member of the family is doing something that the others think should stop (example: I promise to get off the computer in five minutes and seven minutes later I haven't closed it down yet), the two dissenters come over and do this thing where, in unison, they wag their fingers and tap their feet at the transgressor. Sozlet really gets into it when it's directed at me (with E.G.) or at E.G. (with me), but she HATES it when we do it to her. Even if we do it jokingly, it gets her to quit faster than anything else.
Word she made up: pukus. (The mucus that sometimes comes up when she pukes.)
In deaf culture, when you leave the room you always say why. "I'm going to start cooking dinner," or "I'm going to go check on the dryer," or "I need to use the bathroom." You never just disappear, you always say something. (Without aural information -- footsteps, flushing toilet, whatever -- it's impossible to know where a disappeared person is and how long he or she will be gone.)
Anyway, whenever I say I need to use the bathroom now, E.G. and sozlet break into a song she made up -- "Mama needs to pee, and we don't need to see, aw, aw, aw." (There are little hand motions that go with the "aw" part.)
It's unsurprising given her parents, but sozlet is showing signs of that SD thing Dag has talked about. One example is the kosher salt box I leave out to use every night for her saline lavage. The side with the metal lever/ opening bothers her. It has to be turned around so she can't see it. Meanwhile, the side with the guy grinning over his award-winning potato recipe bothers E.G. So there is this very precise alignment necessary so that neither she nor E.G. will be bothered by this poor innocent little box of salt.