That's fantastic! I didn't even need to read your translations. Definitely one to save.
Sozobe, you've got an artist there. Loved the perspective on the laptop....GOOD eye! And loved the quirky pea on the leash!
I've read through many, many pages of this thread of yours, and enjoyed it so much. Smart little Sozlet and smart mama!
oh my goodness, that is the cutest book. She is so talented and creative!
I just finished my yearly compilation, and want to thank you guys again for being such good listeners and spurring me to actually write this stuff. There were incidents from 6 months ago that I'd already forgotten about completely, really glad to have this record and wouldn't have it if it wasn't for you guys.
Happy holidays!
That's brilliant!
I love that she grew to be 20 feet tall.
But the pea on a leash is the very best thing.
^^^Agreeing with Boomer re: the pea on the leash. That's great.
sozobe wrote:I just finished my yearly compilation, and want to thank you guys again for being such good listeners and spurring me to actually write this stuff. There were incidents from 6 months ago that I'd already forgotten about completely, really glad to have this record and wouldn't have it if it wasn't for you guys.
Happy holidays!
Thank you so much for sharing your miracle. Having no such miracle of my own, I can't tell you how enjoyable it is to share others' and you make yours the most easily accessible. Off to see my Sister's soon.
Merry Christmas to you, and yours, and everyone!
Just caught up with this thread again, soz, so excuse my comments being a bit time-lagged. My gosh (looking at sozlet's darwings & writing) you have a small artist on your hands there! Wow.
Special greetings to sozlet are apropriate at this time of year.
Sozlet loved the white 'roos!
Me: You're such a goofball sometimes!
sozlet: Actually I'm always a goofball, you just don't always notice.
Growing up so fast!
We went grocery shopping, I put the groceries (about 5 paper bags' worth) in the kitchen, took out the most temperature-sensitive (milk, meat), and then checked email because I was expecting an important one. That one was there, plus a couple of others, and I was busy with that for a while. When I came up for air I realized that things were awfully quiet, where was sozlet and what was she up to?
Went into the kitchen and she turned to me with a big grin and said "I was JUST finishing!" Kid put away all the groceries! And did a good job of it, too! On the counter were three separate groupings, with post-it notes in front of each; "I can't reach pioll," "I don't know pioll," and "I want to eat pioll." ("Pioll"= "pile").
Gadzooks, nearly makes me cry, re the discernment. But no, I'll just grin.
sozobe wrote:"I can't reach pioll," "I don't know pioll," and "I want to eat pioll." ("Pioll"= "pile").
cool how you can discern her accent by the spelling
pile with two syllables instead of one
sozobe wrote:Growing up so fast!
We went grocery shopping, I put the groceries (about 5 paper bags' worth) in the kitchen, took out the most temperature-sensitive (milk, meat), and then checked email because I was expecting an important one. That one was there, plus a couple of others, and I was busy with that for a while. When I came up for air I realized that things were awfully quiet, where was sozlet and what was she up to?
Went into the kitchen and she turned to me with a big grin and said "I was JUST finishing!" Kid put away all the groceries! And did a good job of it, too! On the counter were three separate groupings, with post-it notes in front of each; "I can't reach pioll," "I don't know pioll," and "I want to eat pioll." ("Pioll"= "pile").
Your story has my family in hysterics. Mumpad has tears, cold_Erin is gasping for breath between laughs.
Pioll may become our word for the week.
Glad she liked the boomers (white roos). At easter we do bilbies not rabbits.
Growing up fast indeed. Thoughtful, sweet girl.
I especially liked the "I want to eat pioll". She's a hoot.
What a great sozlet story!
Did she get to eat anything in the "I want to eat pioll"?