Oh! Whew! I was thinking it was Phil Collins.
I have suddenly regained my respect for you, Thomas! <LOL>
I thought Phil Collins on a bender too, Eva. Also, Bill Murray after a bad night came to mind.
I thought it was a weird picture of Rober DeNiro
Eva wrote:]Oh! Whew! I was thinking it was Phil Collins
J_B wrote:I thought Phil Collins on a bender too, Eva. Also, Bill Murray after a bad night came to mind.
JoeFX wrote:I thought it was a weird picture of Rober DeNiro
I think Douglas Adams would have liked that. And considering Sozlet's budding sense of humor, I have a funny feeling she will like his books in a few years, too. "You say this island we're travelling to has nine of the ten most lethal snake species on it. Suppose one of those bites me, what do I do?" "Well, you die." I can easily see her give that answer as a doctor.
Just now:
We're sharing a bowl of mixed berries. (Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.) She kept spilling/ dropping, and I was cleaning up with paper towels. Just as she took a bite, I muttered "One mess, two mess, red mess, blue mess..." and she totally cracked up and sputtered out a huge new mess.
Seems to be a theme brewing...
Today after dinner we were hanging out; she'd decorated the table beforehand with a plastic easter egg centerpiece, and we were fooling around with them. (The kind that split in half and you can put things in them.) E.G. was trying to open one by squeezing it and it wasn't working, and I said "Isn't it supposed to be that you can't break an egg by squeezing it in your palm, because of the distribution of pressure or something?" So of course he asked sozlet to go get him an egg from the fridge and I said no no no if you're gonna do that at least do it over the sink.
So we trooped into the kitchen, he squeezed, and after a while, of course, the thing EXPLODED. Sozlet and I reacted with horror and dismay, and she said, "Oh man, he got egg slobber EVERYWHERE!!!"
(I liked "egg slobber.")
(Both messes have been cleaned up, don't worry, including off of the curtains I made scant months ago, sob. The fabric was stain-guarded 'n' everything though, actually worked! The egg slobber just beaded up and came right off...)
ugh, egg slobber is messy.
sozobe wrote:Just now:
We're sharing a bowl of mixed berries. (Raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc.) She kept spilling/ dropping, and I was cleaning up with paper towels. Just as she took a bite, I muttered "One mess, two mess, red mess, blue mess..." and she totally cracked up and sputtered out a huge new mess.

That image made me laugh so hard, my sides hurt.
Spoken like someone who's been there and done that. :-) (Glad to provide a laugh!)
Oh yeah.
Barneys song-
clean up
clean up
everybody everywhere
clean up
clean up
Come on Bean and do your share
( pulls giggles every time we clean the play room )
Egg slobber!
Remember, egg white is an in-your-fridge emergency paste--not just for baking but for due-tomorrow craft projects.
Good to remember!
This isn't funny, just nice... sozlet orchestrated a mother's day celebration yesterday and did a really great job! She insisted that E.G. take her to one of our favorite stores, and they came up with some amazing presents. (E.G. gets credit here too, he was dragged but chose well.) I got a silver pendant of Ganesh, my favorite Indian godling, and some really beautiful sterling silver and lapis earrings. Way beyond what I'd ever expect! Sozlet also picked out a card all by herself, a really beautiful photo of a kitten in a garden with a bunch of flowers, I really truly love it, and wrote in it all herself ("Mama" [card legend, "Thanks for being so sweet!"], "Love, [sozlet]." Then they made dinner for me, too. It was quite amazing and quite out of character for holidays around here, loved sozlet's persistence/ insistence on making something happen and the thoughtful way they both carried it out.
Happy mama here. :-)
Aw, she's growing up too, Soz.
I can see the soz in the sozlet all the way from here.
Sweet little thing, to work at making her mommy happy....
Sozobe..What a great way to enjoy Mother's day.
I have one egg story too. I carry lots of boiled eggs for my lunch. My son peels them for me and put it in my lunch box. When he first started, he was more interested in peeling. Later one day, I found my lunch box had no egg. Went home and checked the garbage, the peels were there. I asked and he said "I ate them up" with a complete sweet innocent look.
Lesson well learnt.. now we do it together. He eats some and packs some.
I was gonna post this one on the "Smileys for Sozlet" thread (mostly cause that became the place to store one's smileys ;-)), but idiotically, I cant find it back anywhere...
I thought it was funny..
I put it in the testing forum 'cause it was meant to be just a throwaway thing, but it did get really cool, I prolly should've requested that it be moved. (Stuff in the testing forum automatically disappears after I think a week of inactivity...)
Just showed it to her, she likes it! (Giggles.)
I asked her what she thought was going on and she said "I don't even KNOW!" She guessed the fish was kissing the yellow guy -- lipstick mark -- and I thought, oh, I thought the fish was whapping the other guy, and she said "Yeah, that makes more sense..."