OCCOM BILL wrote:Wow. I love this thread. What a fascinating child you have.

...and I love her drawings.
(((((((((Sakhi)))))))) Good to see you!
sozobe wrote:"...or I won't be your friend anymore" is pretty standard kid-language -- sozlet first encountered it from her friend Jack, and it was occasion for major, major angst.
Yes, I was thinking of the Jack incident when you reported the "top of staircase" incident. How is he, is Sozlet still in touch with him?
Hi sakhi!
Yep, we're still in touch, if sporadic. Got together last December and the kids played together like they'd last seen each other the day before. Very sweet.
sozobe wrote:Things are getting interesting as she's writing more and more. I just flipped to the next week of my datebook and found that somebody had written on every day of next week, "GO TO ZOO."
This absolutely cracked me up!
That one made me laugh too. That sozlet is a character. I love this thread.
She was all sly about it, too. "So, what are we doing this week?" <innocent look>
A couple new things:
One, out of the blue, she grumpily commented at dinnertime, "I don't get ANY allowance." (Raised eyebrow to FreeDuck, how's that for timing? Maybe her reading is more advanced than I give her credit for...)
Anyway, E.G. said something to her about how that probably wasn't the best possible opening gambit in a negotiation. Then we started a discussion about negotiation -- what it is, how to do it. She was very interested. At one point, she said, "It's kind of like tic tac toe." We were like, hmm, maybe, what do you mean? She said, "Well, you have to think about what someone will do before they do it."
Other thing was that she's getting more into purposeful teasing -- she teases E.G. about his bald spot all the time. He's been growing a beard (now trimmed back to goatee, better than a full beard, still not a fan myself), and he has been joking about how it's so distracting that nobody notices that he's going bald. Anyway, she was on his lap and he gave her a big smooch on the cheek, which made her go EEK because of the goatee, while we were talking about pets. (That was another offshoot of the negotiation talk -- she made a kick-ass opening gambit for the pet negotiation, very sincere and composed, something about the importance of having a pet to love and care for, couldn't have said it better... anyway...)
Um, where was I. OK, so she was on his lap and was talking to me and was gesturing so her hand was right in front of his mouth and he licked it. She jumped and I said, "Maybe we don't need a dog -- we've already got one, look, he's all furry and licks your hand." She said, with Catskills timing, "Well, not THAT furry," and tipped his head in my direction so I got an eyeful of the thinning pate.

Priceless. I wonder what she'll think when she reads this thread one day (other than how short of a book War and Peace was, that is). What a tremendous gift you are giving her. Beats the snot out of the exceptionally memorable stories most of us get to hear about our early years.
Ooooh, I see I missed some drawings. I love the aliens!
Sozlet understands so many subtleties...
sozobe wrote:He's been growing a beard... and he has been joking about how it's so distracting that nobody notices that he's going bald.
They notice. I've been going bald since I was 28.... They notice.
Priceless. I wonder what she'll think when she reads this thread one day (other than how short of a book War and Peace was, that is).
Given her newfound way with money, she'll sell Hollywood the rights to the story -- and negotiate a heck of a price, no doubt.
Slightly disturbing one:
Last Saturday, she was in the kitchen drawing at the counter when a gnat flitted into her vicinity. It landed on the counter, flew around, went back to the counter, etc. Sozlet started sweet-talking the gnat -- "It's OK little gnat, go ahead and land, this is a nice place to land, don't worry, go ahead..." and it landed and stayed there for a minute.
Then she said, "APRIL FOOL'S!" and smooshed it.
(We're nice to spiders and other bugs but gnats and mosquitoes get smooshed on sight... still, I felt a little bad.) (She was heavily into April Fool's this year, pulled about 100 "tricks". Most of them were on the order of, "Look!! Out the window! It's Santa Claus! Really!!")
When I spend more time than usual on A2K I almost always read a bit of these 'my kid' stories. I find them incredibly fun and amusing... so I'm taking the next step and bookmarking this one.
Keep 'em coming soz!
Sozelet vs. Gnat
She was testing both physical and mental power--as well as her awareness of the season.
She was sorting out true/false. This doesn't mean she's forgotten right/wrong--she was just very busy being an April Fool.
sozobe wrote:Then she said, "APRIL FOOL'S!" and smooshed it.

I imagine a neon ad for the movie version of this: "Sozlet Lecter starring in ... The Silence of the Gnats. "
sozobe wrote:She was all sly about it, too. "So, what are we doing this week?" <innocent look>
That sounds so Anastasia ... <smiles>
sozobe wrote:
Then she said, "APRIL FOOL'S!" and smooshed it.
I laughed out loud at this one. Then I felt a little guilty about laughing. Then I laughed again.
Yes, that was my exact reaction, FreeDuck (this one was observed by E.G. and then related to me...) Laughter, clapping my hand over my mouth, more laughter. I'm glad I didn't have to react in front of her as I'm not sure I would've been able to keep from laughing and what kinda message is that?
Who are you these days, Thomas? Familiar, can't place 'im.
Hiya JoeFX! Always good to see you.