Is black actually white?

lost my calgon
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 09:52 am
No black isnt actually white.
If you took all the colors in the color wheel and mixed them together you will always get the color GREY.
White is the absense of color.
Black people aren't black anyway they are Brown.
And white people aren't white they are Pink.
Technically Brown people have more pigments in their skin.
And Technically we all have skin no matter what race.
Therefore, we are all the same.
So if you ask....is brown actually pink...my answer would be yes.
Have fun with this...its a neverending controversy. :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 10:20 am
But I thought brown was the new black?

Laptop - sartorially challenged.
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Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 10:49 am
I accept that an aspect of "cognition" to to seek to predict/retrodict and control and that this "need" evokes a concept of relative permanent structures.
However, such structures are transient and species specific. "Earthness" for men is not " Earthness" for ants. I put it to you that "the Earth" you are talking about is in your minds eye, i.e. YOU are the "missing observer". There can be no structure without he who structures.

(NB Much of this is appropriate on the "reality thread" but there is so much low level word salad going on there that I have little to add to my single post which you may have spotted).
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 12:15 pm
The question put to Fresco--did the earth exist before consciousness--reflects the old problem of idealism vs. materialism/realism. It seems to me that in absolute terms, terms that ignores the co-existence and co-dependence of object and subject, there is no earth either before or after consciousness. There WAS "something" (and I'm hesitant to make even that minimalist concession) before consciousness, but that something is constructed into "earth" with the birth and cultural shaping of consciousness. I can even say, ultimately, that what is true of "earth" is also true of "consciousness", but that drives us into the silence of mysticism--neti, neti.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 12:20 pm
fresco wrote:
I accept that an aspect of "cognition" to to seek to predict/retrodict and control and that this "need" evokes a concept of relative permanent structures.
However, such structures are transient and species specific. "Earthness" for men is not " Earthness" for ants. I put it to you that "the Earth" you are talking about is in your minds eye, i.e. YOU are the "missing observer". There can be no structure without he who structures.

(NB Much of this is appropriate on the "reality thread" but there is so much low level word salad going on there that I have little to add to my single post which you may have spotted).

To paraphrase Decartes (badly)..."all well and good, but will it bring the pigs in?"
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Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 12:34 pm
Excellent point, Fresco, and one that is another conversation stopper: that the "structures", the static entities of our minds, do not exist in the world. What does exist in the world are heraclitean (sp?), processes of continuous becoming, and the mind and its languages are not built to deal with such movement. Instead the processes are stopped in their tracks and converted to static "beings," just as concrete distinct phenomena are converted to classes of phenomena for logical analysis. My point, however, is that we suffer not only from errors of anaysis ABOUT such static structures, but ultimately our data, our structures, our facts, are themselves fictions. This serves us well for mundane practical purposes, but our philosophical and spiritual need to live a truly "realistic" mental life remains stymied.
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 12:58 pm
Well, chromatically speaking, they have great similarities.

Actually - since black is black because it absorbs all light, and white because it reflects it - we could argue that black, in absorbing all of what makes white white, is the very quintessence of white: while white, whose nature is to REFLECT (hence repel) all that makes white white, is its very antithesis.

Thus, in a sense, white IS black and black IS white.

There you go! Happy?

Nice try Bunny
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 01:22 pm
Re: truth
JLNobody wrote:
The question put to Fresco--did the earth exist before consciousness--reflects the old problem of idealism vs. materialism/realism. It seems to me that in absolute terms, terms that ignores the co-existence and co-dependence of object and subject, there is no earth either before or after consciousness. There WAS "something" (and I'm hesitant to make even that minimalist concession) before consciousness, but that something is constructed into "earth" with the birth and cultural shaping of consciousness. I can even say, ultimately, that what is true of "earth" is also true of "consciousness", but that drives us into the silence of mysticism--neti, neti.

I really do have a problem with all of this.

A white hat under yellow light is a yellow hat, the same hat under blue light is a blue hat, what isn't under discussion is the fact that it is a hat.

Earth has existence, whether or not one exists to observe it.

A tree falling in a forest does make a sound, observer or not.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 01:53 pm

Consider this. Ask the question "did the Earth exist before men ?" to three historical subjects:

1. To a King Richard I (a medieval Christian) ..his possible answer..."yes - this domed plateau created by God in the midst of the heavens existed for a few days before the creation of man as stated in genesis."

2. To a 21st century science student (ignorant of philosophy)...."Yes, the Earth has existed as a solidified sphere of matter for n billion years before the emergence of man."

3. To a hypothetical 30th century scientist/philosopher. ..."The Earth is a 3 dimensional protruberence from n dimensional hyperspace occupied mostly by dark matter and is physically inseparable from all other visible celestial bodies via non-visible dimensions. Therefore as an individual body it has never really existed but as a psychological construct its "individuality" has certain attractions"

See the problem laptoploon ?

(BTW it was YOU who saw YOUR tree in YOUR forest)
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Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 01:54 pm
Laptoploon, there are clinics for people addicted to Naive Realism. They are called philosophy classes.
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Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 02:10 pm
Hmm....perhaps should have altered that 30th century guy to a mutant who could "see" in 5 dimensions sneering a little at the "lesser humans".... Twisted Evil
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 02:16 pm
fresco wrote:

Consider this. Ask the question "did the Earth exist before men ?" to three historical subjects:

1. To a King Richard I (a medieval Christian) ..his possible answer..."yes - this domed plateau created by God in the midst of the heavens existed for a few days before the creation of man as stated in genesis."

2. To a 21st century science student (ignorant of philosophy)...."Yes, the Earth has existed as a solidified sphere of matter for n billion years before the emergence of man."

3. To a hypothetical 30th century scientist/philosopher. ..."The Earth is a 3 dimensional protruberence from n dimensional hyperspace occupied mostly by dark matter and is physically inseparable from all other visible celestial bodies via non-visible dimensions. Therefore as an individual body it has never really existed but as a psychological construct its "individuality" has certain attractions"

See the problem laptoploon ? /

I might.....in your hypothetical 30th century. As my pigs need bringing in now, it has as much validity as Pratchetts world view.

(BTW it was YOU who saw YOUR tree in YOUR forest)

Pigs are simple creatures and all the better for it. Not MY tree, not MY forest, simply a tree in a forest. tree falls down, it makes a noise. I can prove this endlessly, what can't be proved is the no one there, no sound proposition.

One of us will make bacon, the other will starve.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 02:20 pm
Re: truth
JLNobody wrote:
Laptoploon, there are clinics for people addicted to Naive Realism. They are called philosophy classes.

I love the notion of naive realism...tell me is the guy that drives the metro, that polices the streets, that ensures the toilets are clean in your office block "naive realists"? or are they just dealing with what actually IS?
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Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 03:38 pm

I challenge you to think about a tree in a forest without visualzing it or experiencing it with "your minds eye". To remove yourself (the observer) from "the event" is "naive realism". What constitutes "an event" is defined by the observer.
An event must "significance" to an observer or no observation will take place.

Listen to the fan in your computer ! Why weren't you aware of it before reading this ? Now you are stuck with "the event of hearing your fan" because we've made it "significant". (And note that as I write this I am making the assumption that you have not passed away since our last exchange otherwise that "event" won't exist.)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 03:53 pm
fresco wrote:

I challenge you to think about a tree in a forest without visualzing it or experiencing it with "your minds eye". To remove yourself (the observer) from "the event" is "naive realism". What constitutes "an event" is defined by the observer.
An event must "significance" to an observer or no observation will take place.

My friend, a gamekeeper, tells me that last night's high winds brought down a tree and subsequently a good deal of the grouse he was looking after are dead or scattered. A tree came down and it made significant noise. Please demonstrate this wouldn't have been the case had neither I, nor my friend the gamekeeper nor the groue existed. try it as a "truth definition" or a "truth predicate"....just to make it simple for you

Listen to the fan in your computer !
Oddly enough I can't hear it...even now.Does that mean it doesn't (a) exist) or (b) make a noise. I am not only certain it does (though I can't hear it) but i can prove it does.

Why weren't you aware of it before reading this ?

Assumption, assumptiopn, assumption. Tell me, do you jump to every conclusion you see?

Now you are stuck with "the event of hearing your fan" because we've made it "significant".

Well you might be stuck with this assumption, thankfully I'm not.

(And note that as I write this I am making the assumption that you have not passed away since our last exchange otherwise that "event" won't exist.)

ah...so "events" only happen to those "living" the moment. That'll neatly expalin the refusal of some to accept historical fact.

Neat, very neat.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 04:38 pm

Of course it was "not the case" if there are no "observations" reported. If you are saying that tomorrow etc someone will trip "the tree" all you are doing is reinstating an observation state.

And, my apologies for lack of experience with laptops (if that is the case) . However your "minds eye" seems to have been working sufficiently to detect "absence"! (which brings us nicely back on topic with the functional equivalence of black and white)

As for "historical fact" people still argue about most of the interesting stuff. One man's "fact" is another man's "belief" and a third man's "phantasy".
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Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 04:44 pm
Somethin goin awry wi' ma postin tonigh' ma

A tree falling in a forest does make a sound, observer or not.

and how the hell do you know. You bin ther? You experienced the tree pain?
Have you any idea what its like to have your base separated from yur root systm? Damn sure it makes a sound. It sounds like OW OOOH WASSA crunch
0 Replies
Steve 41oo
Reply Thu 22 Jan, 2004 04:55 pm
This is getting bizarre, silly and of no relevance. Just how I like it.
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Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2004 12:51 am
Okay, how about this for proof. I saw this kid on the subway recently. White teenage city kid pants-around-the-ankles doo-rag giant-Fubu-jacket head boppin' rapping out loud with his headphones . . .

black IS white.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Jan, 2004 11:44 am
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:
Somethin goin awry wi' ma postin tonigh' ma

A tree falling in a forest does make a sound, observer or not.

and how the hell do you know. You bin ther? You experienced the tree pain?
Have you any idea what its like to have your base separated from yur root systm? Damn sure it makes a sound. It sounds like OW OOOH WASSA crunch

I get this image of the tree thinking "Fook, that hurt"
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