kickycan wrote:
Quote: Is it possible that somebody could actually argue convincingly that black is, in fact, white?
David Henery wrote:
Quote:NO, not ever.
Your question defies basic principles.
White is one aspect of the concept of colour, it's known to us via it's definition, and to argue it was NOT what it's definition was is effectively non-sense{no offense}.
OTOH, if a word's definition is imprecise, ie, it defied reality or logic, you could correct/enhance it, but in this case, white and black have's the same as asking can someone argue that a horse is a boat for ex.
There's a broader perspective to consider:
Main Entry: 1
Pronunciation: 'hwIt, 'wIt
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): whit·er; whit·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hwIt; akin to Old High German hwIz white and probably to Old Church Slavonic svetu light, Sanskrit sveta white, bright
Date: before 12th century
1 a : free from color b : of the color of new snow or milk; specifically : of the color white c : light or pallid in color <white hair> <lips white with fear> d : lustrous pale gray : SILVERY; also : made of silver
2 a : being a member of a group or race characterized by reduced pigmentation and usually specifically distinguished from persons belonging to groups marked by black, brown, yellow, or red skin coloration b : of, relating to, characteristic of, or consisting of white people c : marked by upright fairness
3 : free from spot or blemish: as a (1) : free from moral impurity : INNOCENT (2) : marked by the wearing of white by the woman as a symbol of purity <a white wedding> b : unmarked by writing or printing c : not intended to cause harm <a white lie> <white magic> d : FAVORABLE, FORTUNATE <one of the white days of his life -- Sir Walter Scott>
4 a : wearing or habited in white b : marked by the presence of snow : SNOWY <a white Christmas>
5 a : heated to the point of whiteness b : notably ardent : PASSIONATE <white fury>
6 a : conservative or reactionary in political outlook and action b : instigated or carried out by reactionary forces as a counterrevolutionary measure <a white terror>
7 : of, relating to, or constituting a musical tone quality characterized by a controlled pure sound, a lack of warmth and color, and a lack of resonance
8 : consisting of a wide range of frequencies -- used of light, sound, and electromagnetic radiation
- whit·ish /'hwI-tish, 'wI-/ adjective
Main Entry: 1
Pronunciation: 'blak
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English blak, from Old English blæc; akin to Old High German blah black, and probably to Latin flagrare to burn, Greek phlegein
Date: before 12th century
1 a : of the color black b (1) : very dark in color <his face was black with rage> (2) : having a very deep or low register <a bass with a black voice> (3) : HEAVY, SERIOUS <the play was a black intrigue>
2 a : having dark skin, hair, and eyes : SWARTHY <the black Irish> b (1) often capitalized : of or relating to any of various population groups having dark pigmentation of the skin <black Americans> (2) : of or relating to the Afro-American people or their culture <black literature> <a black college> <black pride> <black studies> (3) : typical or representative of the most readily attended parts of black culture <tried to play blacker jazz>
3 : dressed in black
4 : DIRTY, SOILED <hands black with grime>
5 a : characterized by the absence of light <a black night> b : reflecting or transmitting little or no light <black water> c : served without milk or cream <black coffee>
6 a : thoroughly sinister or evil : WICKED <a black deed> b : indicative of condemnation or discredit <got a black mark for being late>
7 : connected with or invoking the supernatural and especially the devil <black magic>
8 a : very sad, gloomy, or calamitous <black despair> b : marked by the occurrence of disaster <black Friday>
9 : characterized by hostility or angry discontent : SULLEN <black resentment filled his heart>
10 chiefly British : subject to boycott by trade-union members as employing or favoring nonunion workers or as operating under conditions considered unfair by the trade union
11 a of propaganda : conducted so as to appear to originate within an enemy country and designed to weaken enemy morale b : characterized by or connected with the use of black propaganda <black radio>
12 : characterized by grim, distorted, or grotesque satire <black humor>
13 : of or relating to covert intelligence operations <black government programs>
- black·ish /'bla-kish/ adjective
- black·ly adverb
- black·ness noun
We all here could probably come up with scenarios where the statement, Black is white
. White is black
.is correct,
The black iron was so hot it was white.
Mr. White is black.
Miss. Black is white.