Quote:As far as teachers are concern I am sure they made great role models for their own children but it is not either their job or place to have strong emotional bonding with the children that they teach of the kind that family adults would hopefully have with the family children.
Emotional bonding with a child has absolutely nothing to do with providing "sex role models"--and you were talking about "sex role models". Your thinking is muddled and all over the place.
Quote:Lord so let see it is now PC to take the stand that women and men bring the same things to the table in raising and enacting with children?
Again, you are clouding the issue. This has nothing to do with PC issues, or whether men and women parent the same way--it has to do with whether gender is an essential factor in good parenting and in providing a home that adequately satisfies a child's needs. And the research clearly indicates that it is not necessary to have children raised by parents of both genders.
Quote:Same-sex couples can be effective parents, researchers find
By Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY
Children raised by same-sex couples appear to do as well as those raised by parents of both sexes, suggests an international research review that challenges the long-ingrained belief that children need male and female parents for healthy adjustment.
"It's more about the quality of the parenting than the gender of the parents," says Judith Stacey of New York University, co-author of the comprehensive review. It will be published Friday in the Journal of Marriage and Family.
Sociologists Stacey and Timothy Biblarz of the University of Southern California, spent five years reviewing 81 studies of one- and two-parent families, including gay, lesbian and heterosexual couples. "No research supports the widely held conviction that the gender of parents matters for child well-being," they conclude.
"Children being raised by same-gender parents, on most all of the measures that we care about, self-esteem, school performance, social adjustment and so on, seem to be doing just fine and, in most cases, are statistically indistinguishable from kids raised by married moms and dads on these measures," Biblarz says.
Three researchers critiqued the effort; their comments appear in the same issue of the journal. Lisa Strohschein of the University of Alberta in Canada takes issue with the review's attempts to "tease out the effects of the parent's gender" from an array of variables.
She notes that many of the studies cited place differences in family type "in context with other factors that influence child outcomes," including number and gender of parents in the household, sexual identity, marital status and biogenetic relationship to children. The review, she says, "provided no such context."
Kyle Pruett, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the Yale University Child Study Center and co-author of the 2009 book Partnership Parenting,has not seen the research review. But he says "you can't take gender out of the world."
He says that as adults, "we are struggling to be politically correct about gender" when we should be thinking more about the children. "It's not about the supremacy of one gender over another or about the necessity of one gender over another," he says.
In addition to child outcomes, the sociologists reviewed parenting styles and found "two women who choose to parent together are slightly more likely than a heterosexual couple to be actively committed to hands-on parenting. We don't have data yet on two men parenting, but I think it will come out fairly similar," Stacey says.
Fatherhood expert Michael Lamb, a psychology professor at the University of Cambridge in Cambridge, England, says he has changed his views about gender roles based on more recent research.
"Nothing about a person's sex determines the capacity to be a good parent," he says in an e-mail. "It is well-established that children do not need parents of each gender to adjust healthily."
And what about single parents?
"What counts a lot more than the number of parents is the quality," Stacey says. "It's definitely an advantage if there are two parents who get along over one parent. But if the two don't get along, sometimes one parent is better."
Quote:The picture that emerges from research is one of general engagement in social life with peers, parents, family members, and friends. Fears about children of lesbian or gay parents being sexually abused by adults, ostracized by peers, or isolated in single-sex lesbian or gay communities have received no scientific support. Overall, results of research suggest that the development, adjustment, and well-being of children with lesbian and gay parents do not differ markedly from that of children with heterosexual parents.
Many heterosexual families are far from idyllic, and simply having close family relationships that include both genders does not necessarily mean those relationships will be positive or beneficial to the children.
I really fail to see where you are making any meaningful points, or are even saying anything that is particularly useful to the male partners and the little boy who is the topic of this thread.
Quote:So to state therefore that there is an intrinsic benefits to having role models of both sexes in a child life is no longer PC?
Everyone grows up interacting with both male and female adults, both inside the family and outside the family, and no one is saying that is not the way it should be. Children are surrounded by both male and female role models--of all sorts--and short of living in a remote area, homeschooling the child and preventing all contacts with anyone outside the immediate family, and keeping computers, television, books, and newspapers, out of the home, there is no way to limit exposure to all of those varying "sex role models"--children are bombarded with them. So, your statement about needing to have such role models, of both genders, is not only superfluous, and unnecessary, it's downright absurd. The gender role models, and a child's exposure to them, are built into the entire fabric of the social structure--it's impossible for the child to escape them.
Your personal views on whether a child needs "emotional bonding" with parents, or parent equivalents, of both genders seems to have no relevance to this topic--which is about this particular two-daddy family, except to suggest that this particular family has something lacking
from your perspective. Why you want to interject that sort of negative or discordant note in a thread about a gay man's joy over having a step-son in his life is beyond me. And, as usual, your contentious attitude, as well as your preoccupation with irrelevant issues, serves only to try to derail another thread.
Antonio is fortunate to be living with two men who love him, and nuture him, and are very concerned with his welfare. Whoever else is in his life, and their gender, really is unimportant in the context of this thread, and frankly is none of your business.