Gee, I hope you find Harry!
I have fond memories of my business partner's box turtles - Spot and Sally. She had Spot for dozens of years before I ever met him (she kept him in her series of studios, in a plexiglas chamber with lots of amenities) and Sally was a rescue turtle. Could barely open her (beak? lips? mouth?) when she got him. She clipped the upper jaw enough for Sally to open wide for lettuce, apple bits, mealworms, etc. Of course, they were smaller than Henry and Harry. When I scan a photo, I'll add it onto this thread. Might be a while.
People in town knew we had the turtles, and tended to visit them when they came to our place to see the gallery or for design work. We kept the Chamber clean, warm, comfy, with its own swimming pool, a ceramic french tart dish.
We found Harry, Antonio had put him in the clothes hamper. Morgan was having a panic attack
Boy is a scamp.
Y'all let him go. Not that I'm entirely against that, but you know me, I'm saying watch out.
Yikes - that Henry's huge!
Yes he is getting big, plowed throught his brick pen again today, I will have to work in that this weekend.
On the way home from work I bought a few pumpkins. I put two on the porch and Antonio got to draw a scary face on one them, I carved it for him. He had a fun evening. And it was enjoyable watching him this evening.
Sunday funday is tomorrow, yeah!
We had a lot of fun today and I am beat! We went to two different pumpkin patches then had to make an appearance at the softball fundraiser here in St. Pete. Antonio is now napping and it’s Marco’s turn to get dinner on the table hehehe.
Travis you come back and visit us! I'm glad you're here!
Me too, I'm going to my aunts house to stay for a while, and I can stay in the same school.
He's very lucky kid to have you both
Just wait, he'll end up a big spender who hates tortoises..
I'm off to read - g'night all.
Antonio’s little pal Justin is with is this evening. His mother called and asked if I would pick him up when I got Antonio from school because she has to work late. He’s behaving so far, fingers crossed.
Has he asked to see a dinner menu yet?
Oh no, he ate what Marco made and liked it. I think he learned his lesson the last time he was here.
It’s time for their bed and his mother was suppose to be here half an hour ago and we haven’t heard from her. She’s not answering her cell either. Hope she comes soon.
Be careful that she's not using you as babysitters for Justin.
That’s exactly what’s she’s doing. Said she would be here by 8:00 and still hasn’t showed. I had to put them two to bed. I know she’s a single mother and probably needs some time for herself but she can at least be honest. If she would have said I have a date tonight or anything we would have been more then happy to watch Justin, but to say she has to work late and not call or show up at the time she said is just rude.