There's a big difference between parents giving a child everything he wants, or demands, and their simply putting as much delight and happiness into his life as possible.
The former can definitely create problems, because the parents are abdicating their authority and not setting proper limits, but the latter won't create problems because it is simply part of a positive environment that loving parents try to create for their child. All I've mainly heard here, regarding Antonio, are instances of the latter and not the former.
I don't have the impression of a demanding child who's getting his daddies to cave in to his wishes. Certainly, as a new step-dad, jcboy is particularly focused on wanting to make Antonio happy, and there is nothing wrong, or unusual, about that. Having a child as a daily part of his life is a new experience for him, and I think he genuinely wants Antonio to be happy. After a while, some of the novelty and excitement will simmer down, but, right now, both he and Antonio should just enjoy it.
There really isn't anything wrong with giving a child as many delights as possible--particularly when these are being given freely and the child isn't even asking for them. It's just part of creating a nice world for the child to be living in. It's part of making him feel special, and I can't see anything wrong with that--Antonio is very special to these two people. Feeling special doesn't mean you necessarily feel entitled, it means you feel loved. I honestly believe you can't spoil a child with too much love and attention, or even too many "delights". It doesn't mean the child won't learn limits, or how to deal with frustration, or will become a demanding, manipulative, obnoxious brat. But it may mean he'll develop a healthy level of self esteem and a strong sense of security because he feels very cared for.
Antonio is only 5, osso, and that's a wonderful age, and the sort of innocence he has now won't last that much longer. It's easier to make his world special now than it will be later, and I think everyone in this family should just enjoy that right now. Antonio's also learning to follow routines, he's learning what behavior is expected of him, and what's acceptable, he's learning to listen to his daddies, and he's not getting everything he wants or getting his own way without restrictions. I think you might be jumping to premature conclusions because the content of this thread is skewed by jcboy's excitement and his natural desire to want to give to Antonio, and do things for him. That doesn't mean that parental authority, and boundaries, and limits, and good sense, isn't also operating in that household--we're just hearing about the fun stuff.
Maybe we just have different views of parenting or how to raise children. Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "delights". I firmly believe in giving to a child--mainly the giving of love, and affection, and time, and attention, as much as possible. Material giving is also good, within limits, and as long as what's given is appreciated and not demanded or expected. I believe in making children feel special, maybe even princely. Reality intrudes fast enough to let us know we're not all that special in the grand scheme of things, but, at the age of 5, I'd let Antonio feel like a prince for a little while.